First Day of School

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Y/n's POV

I woke up early for the first time. I guess I was exited to go to school. I changed into my uniform and went to do my morning routine.

After all of that I put my glasses on. And went downstairs for breakfast and saw Chan Oppa and Felix were already there.

"Morning" they both said as I waved to them. "Morning Guys" I said grabbing a piece of toast.

"I will drop you off" Bang Chan said as he hugged me from behind. "Okay" I said as we left to go in the car.

We decided to take the Old car we had so people wouldn't know we were rich. Anyways I had to sit in the back.

Which I hated but Felix got in the front sit first. "We're here" Chan Oppa said as we unlocked the doors.

"Yeah thanks, I love you both" I said as I kissed their cheeks before hoping out. "Oh and No boys" Bang Chan said as I nodded yes.

They left and I started walking. I entered the school and found my locker.

I started to put my stuff away but than I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, you must be new here, right?" A Boy said to me as I turned around.

"Well yes I am" I said as I looked at him with a confused yet happy smile. "Well nice to meet ya, names Hyunjin" The boy said smiling at me.

He looked friendly or well to say he looked like me, a nerd. But I shouldn't really say that cause I don't know, he might have a sweet heart.

"Hi Hyunjin, names Y/n" I said bowing and smiling at him. "Nice name, wanna be friends?" He said as I nodded a yes.

"Well than what class do you have first?" He asked as I looked at my paper, "umm I've got math" I said with a "ugh" expression.

"You don't like math?" Hyunjin asked as I shook my head a no. "Well your lucky day, I also have math" He said as I smiled brightly.

"Let's go in before the teacher scolds us" He laughed and I laughed as well as we entered the classroom.

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