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Our few other classes passed as I started to get hungry. "When will lunch time come" I asked Hyunjin with a whiny voice.

"Lunch will be here after this last class" Hyunjin said as I sighed in relief. "Our last class is P.E(sports)" He said as my jaw dropped.

"WHAT!!" I screamed, I was never a sports person, I only knew Mafia moves or how to use a gun but not sports.

"Please don't scream your gonna make me go deaf" Hyunjin said dramatically. "I'm the worst at sports ya know" I said as I hit Hyunjin's arm softly.

"Well to bad so sad, your still doing it" He said as I gave him a pout. We reached P.E and I was surprise to see we were doing Taekwondo Today.

Oh now this am good at, I learned Taekwondo when I was little so I'm a pro at this.

"Okay Students, Today we are doing Taekwondo! Who's gonna go first" The Coach said as my hand flung up in the sky.

"Okay Miss Y/n, your first" The teacher said as my I decided to show off a bit. I did my moves and the whole class was impressed.

After P.E was lunch FINALLY I had been waiting for lunch. "Hey Y/n, I promised some friends I would hang out with them so I won't be with you for lunch, sorry" Hyunjin said as he gave me a smile.

"It's fine Hyunjin, I will go eat on the roof" I said as we bid goodbye. I got my food and went up to the roof.

When suddenly I saw a cute nerd up there eating by himself. I wondered if I should go sit next to him or just leave him alone.

Nah I should go sit next to him, well here goes nothing.

The Shy Nerdy Boy          Lee know ffWhere stories live. Discover now