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Y/n's POV

"W-What B-Boy Oppa" I said as I stuttered a bit. "Haha the boy the one you freaking hugging" He said with a chuckle as I started to get scared.

My older brother Chan never got mad, he was usually so calm but today he seemed angry. "He just a classmate" I said getting out of the car.

We arrived at our house as I ran to my room with no explanation. I was a bit scared since Both my brothers were angry.

I have never broken a rule before so this was a bit scary for me. "Y/N WE HAVE TO TALK!!" Felix yelled as I came downstairs.

"Yes Felix and Chan" I said sweetly as they glared at me. "Who. Is. That. Boy." Felix said as I sat down on the couch.

"He is a boy from my science class guys, he is just a friend now please can I at least go see him at his house" I said with puppy eyes.

"Oh your going to his house now?!" Chan said as I gulped, "yes but it's for a science projected" I said getting up form the couch.

"Well okay but be careful please" my two brothers said as I nodded. "Yes Guys I will be fine" I said as I hugged them both tightly.

I went outside and planned to go walking cause Lee Know's house wasn't that far.

I got there and knocked at the door. To my surprise Hyunjin was there, "Oh hi Y/n" He said with a smile.

"Hi Hyunjin, is Lee Know here?" I said as Hyunjin looked behind. "Lee know hyung your girlfriend is here!" Hyunjin said as I blushed a bit.

"YAH SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND" Lee Know said screaming as he death glared at Hyunjin before taking my hand and going to his room.

"Am so sorry about him" He said as He closed his door. "It's fine am pretty use to him" I said as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You know Hyunjin?" He asked as I nodded a yes to him but suddenly Lee Know grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"Shhh" Minho whispered as the door flung open. Only to find a handsome boy looking at me and Lee Know weirdly. "Lee Know Hyung what are you doing?" The boy asked looking innocent.

"It's nothing I.N, just don't tell no one" Lee Know assured him as the boy's innocent face turn to a grin. "But what if I do?" The boy asked again, "You don't what to know"

Lee said smiling at the boy. "Oh well am sorry but am telling!" The boy ran as Lee Know expect his defeat. "Well let's do our science project, shall we?" Lee know asked me as I nodded.

The Shy Nerdy Boy          Lee know ffWhere stories live. Discover now