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Minho's POV

"Our parents died when we were 7 and Felix and Y/n were 3, Y/n and Felix are twins so they had the same age." Chan said as he put his head down.

"Oh am so sorry I didn't know-" I said but got cut off by Felix. "Its okay you didn't know anyways" He said softly as I hugged him.

"We stayed together most of our lives and I hired many tutors because I didn't want Y/n going to school yet" he added with a low tone.

"When we first got her to school, she was amazed but after a while her popularity grew wide and she hated that."

"Y/n left that school and came to your school instead. And she was so happy, she was herself once more" Felix said with a low voice too.

"And That's where she met me" I chuckled feeling happy she meet me. "Yeah but we aren't sure of you yet or well Y/n has never had any guy friends before"

Chan said as he looked at me, "And we don't want boys near Y/n because Y/n was kidnapped once and it was a guy luckily we came in time before the man could do anything." Felix said as a tear left his eye.

"Oh wow I'm so so sorry that happened to her and you guys. But please I want to be Y/n's friend, she's cool, kind, respectful, beautiful, cute, nice, sweet." I said as I realized I just said this to her brothers.

"You really like our sister, don't you?" Felix chuckled as Chan did the same. "Well she seems amazing to hang out with" I said smiling.

"Well I have to go but it was nice meeting you two" I said shaking their hands and going to the door ready to leave when I heard a voice.

Y/n came running to me as she hugged me tightly, "see you tomorrow at school Minho-shii" She said cutely as I hugged her back.

"See you tomorrow Y/n-shii" I smiled as we waved goodbye. "Aish she's so cute" I whispered as I went to my car.

"What weird emotion was I feeling" I said to myself driving away. "Is this love" I said my cheeks turning red.

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