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Y/n's POV

We finished the project as I rested my head on Lee Know's shoulder. "Tired?" He asked as I nodded a yes.

I might as well have fallen asleep after a bit and am guessing Lee Know did too. Cause the next thing we knew I woke up.

"What time is it?" I asked in a sleepy tone, "It's 6:00pm" Lee Know responded as I freaked out.

"I was supposed to go home at 5:00pm" I said freaking out even more as Lee Know started to calm me down. "There There Its okay I will drive you" He said getting his coat on.

"Oh shoot I forgot my sweater" I said as I decided to go in the cold with out a sweater. "Hey, you can't go in the cold like that!" He said pulling me to his closet and picking out a hoodie for me to wear.

"No Its your hoodie here take it" I said handing him his hoodie back. "I wouldn't take it now put it on" Lee know said again putting the hoodie in my hand.

I put the hoodie on but it was to big for me which I really liked so I hugged myself. "You like it, don't you?" He said smiling at me as I smiled back nodded.

"Come on let's go" He said holding my hand as we went to his car. We got inside and he started to drive.

To be honest I really liked his hoodie, it was so comfy and soft that I could even sleep in it. I kinda dozed off for a bit.

Minho's POV

When I first meet Y/n, I thought she was one of those girls that would bully me or make fun of me. But I was wrong she was an angel.

She was kind to me and respect me, she didn't even wanna wear my hoodie because it was mine not her's.

She was perfect, respectful, kind, sweet, beautiful. She was unlike any other girl.

I smiled when I saw her sleeping in my hoodie, she was so cute I couldn't take it. She looked like the cutest little kitten I have ever meet.

We reached her house as she was still asleep so I had to pick her up. When I picked her up, she still was sleeping peacefully.

I got to her house door as I knocked. (Back Door knock) "How may I help you?" A boy answered as I told him if he knew who Y/n was.

"Oh my sister fell asleep" He said as I nodded. "You must be the boy my sister hugged" He asked as I nodded again. "Give me my sister and than come on in" the boy said as I nodded again.

He went upstairs as another boy appeared. "Hi Kid names Chan, what's yours" He asked as he pulled his hand out for me to shake.

"Minho, Lee Minho sir" I said shaking his hand and bowing down. "Come here sit on the couch we gotta talk" The boy named Chan said as He pointed over there.

"Your my sister's friend, aren't you?" He asked while I answered a yes. "Well nice to meet you, we are Y/n's brothers." The other boy said as he sat next to chan.

"Nice to meet you both, and may I asked who are those people in that painting?" I said as both glared at me.

"Well we will tell you but only if you keep it a secret and if you don't your dead meat." He said cold as the other glared.

"Okay I will keep it a secret" I said a bit scared. "Good" one said as the other glared again.

The Shy Nerdy Boy          Lee know ffWhere stories live. Discover now