Hi 0//0

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Y/n's POV

I sat next to him as he looked up. "Can I help you with something?" He asked as my eyes just looked at him.

He was so cute and handsome, "Miss?" He said as I snapped back to reality. "Oh am sorry but can I sit with you here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah sure" He said and I just smiled at him. "Thanks, anyways what's your name" I asked.

He looked at me"Names Minho, Lee Minho but my friends call me Lee Know, either one is fine." He said taking a bite of his sandwich.

"What's your name" He asked as he looked at me, "oh names Y/n, Lee Y/n" I said as He smiled. "You have a pretty name"

He said as I kinda blushed, "Thanks, wanna be friends?" I asked as he nodded yes.

"You look very nice" I said as he smiled brightly. "Thanks" I said smiling as well.

We finished eating lunch and I asked him what his last classes were. To my surprise we had the same classes for last period.

We went to our classes and did all the work. Last class before school ended was Science.

We got to class in time and the teacher started explaining the projected we were gonna do with a partner.

I got to be partners with Lee Know as the teacher pared the rest of the students.

We had to do a projected together on the importance of Science. Which me and lee know were good at.

After that class, Lee know asked me for my number so he could send me his address so we can do the project at his house.

"See ya Lee Know!" I said hugging him before going to my older Brother's car. " See Ya Y/n!" He said as he waved.

"Who's that boy?" Chan Oppa said looking at me with a serious tone. Felix also looked at me with serious stare. Shoot I forgot!!

The Shy Nerdy Boy          Lee know ffWhere stories live. Discover now