Melted - Diluc part 4

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Waves of icy cold pain shored up on your entire body, and that's partially what made you wake up. Your lungs were trying their best, but all they could do was keep taking shallow breaths. You could not move your numb limbs even if you wanted to - you were still much too tired for that. Even though you had just gained a sliver of consciousness back, you wanted to drift right back off again. As your eyes adjusted through the slim window your tired eyelids gave you, you saw a red figure looming over you. You heard several voices but they sounded muffled over the ringing in your head and the water in your ears. Slowly, you began to pick up on the situation.

"I keep telling you! She was exhausted!" Diluc yelled. He turned back to you and you were suddenly aware that he was doing compressions on your chest. You were laying on the couch in the winery manor's front room. Had the couch always been that close to the fireplace? You thought faintly that maybe they'd moved it closer in an attempt to warm you up. You watched Amber throw another log into the fire.

"And how the hell do you know that!?" That was Kaeya. He was standing at the end of the couch, clenching the armrest with white knuckles.

"Because she and I met last night!"

Silence filled the room but he kept doing compressions. You were alive and he didn't need to do them anymore but you had no strength to tell him that.

"Diluc! Y- You-!" Paimon squeaked.

Diluc's eyes widened and he blushed. "No, not like that! We talked and played a game of chess!"

He looked down at you again and you felt his face draw closer to yours. Your first thought was that he was going to kiss you and then you remembered he was only administering CPR. Suddenly, you had enough strength and consciousness to stop him from giving you a breath.

"Diluc..." was all you could wheeze.

The room gasped and Lisa came to your side.

"Darling, are you alright?" Lisa asked. "Stay with us, ok? Jean is going for help. Just stay awake, okay?"

You tried in vain to do as she wished, but you drifted off again.

When you woke up again, your entire body ached. Feeling was beginning to come back into your limbs, and it wasn't good. With a groan, you stretched a little and your arms hit something.

You opened your eyes to red once more and realized that Diluc was laying next to you under a blanket, his face just inches from yours. Your heart jumped into overdrive and you let out an involuntary scream.

Diluc let out a yelp as he woke up at the sound of your scream. "Wait, wait, Y/N, I can explain-!"


As you kicked away from him, you fell right off the edge of the couch.

"Ow ow owww..." you moaned as you curled up in a painful cold ball on the floor. You looked down at yourself to make sure that you weren't seriously hurt and realized that someone had changed you out of your wet clothes and into your pajamas. "Who took my clothes off!?"

Diluc swiftly picked you up and you had no strength to fight him. He laid you back down on the couch and swathed you in the blankets. They were surprisingly still very warm, and somehow seemed to soothe you in your panic. Footsteps clattered down the stairs and your team rushed to the couch.

"Are you alright?" Jean asked.

You held your head and disregarded her question. "I thought Lisa said you had went to go get help..."

"Y/N, that was a day ago. The doctor has been here watching over you."

A doctor came to the side of the couch and looked you over again. He said the hypothermia was going away slowly, and told you that you most likely had a concussion from the Mitachurl charge. After being hauled back to the winery, you had been drifting in and out of consciousness and critical condition for about a day and a half. At one point, your breathing and heart rate was so faint that Diluc had performed CPR.

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