Help - Razor part 2

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By morning, the rainstorm had broke. You got up out of bed and stoked the fire for breakfast. Razor visibly looked better after getting some food and water into his stomach the night before. You took some bread from your pack and made up some toast with what little butter you had. Even though it was just toast, Razor seemed to enjoy it. All these new foods were helping his mood and his stomach. He had kept the soup down from the previous night which was a good sign, and although you felt relived, you knew you wouldn't feel comfortable until Razor was completely well again.

"Thank you," he said after he had finished his toast. "I'm feeling better today."

"Are you? I'm so glad..." you chuckled. "I'm not sure who was more worried, me or the wolves!"

His eyes widened a bit at that. "You were worried too?"

"Of course! I consider you a friend, Razor. Who wouldn't be worried about a friend?"

He looked down at his lap, thinking that over. With another chuckle, you reached over and felt his forehead again. It was still quite warm.

"Not out of the woods yet, I'm afraid..."

"...out of the woods?" He asked and you swore you could feel his head lean against your hand as you double checked the temperature.

You took your hand off of his forehead and shook your head. "Sorry, it's just a phrase that means you're not over something or done with something yet. You're getting better, but you're still sick, Razor."

That seemed to clear things up for him. He paused for a moment before asking another question. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

His eyebrows wrinkled as he struggled to figure out how to describe it. "When you touch me, like this." He held up the back of his own hand to his forehead like you had been doing.

"Oh that?" You laughed a little. Razor was so curious and it was definitely becoming cute. "I do that to see how hot you are. When you're sick, your body raises its temperature to fight off the sickness. Or something like that. Its called a fever."


Silence filled the cave except for the crackle of the fire and that's when you noticed that the wolf howls had gone down substantially since the night before. 

A few hours later, as Razor rested in his bed of animal pelts a wolf came running into the cave with a canvas sack in its mouth. It was the same wolf you had sent away with your letter.

"You did it? Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You bent down and took the sack from the wolf, who was panting hard. It lay down in the cave and you gave it a few scraps of dried meat as a reward.

The sack contained a few vials of medicine and a letter, along with some herbs and easy to eat foods like small biscuits and another canteen of clean water. The letter was from Lisa and it outlined what medicines to give and for what, along with how to use the those herbs to make a medical tea. The only ingredient missing that Lisa did not have on hand at the time was Wolfhook berries. Fortunately enough, you still had the ones you'd gathered on your way into Wolvendom.

You had Razor take the medicine - which took a lot of convincing - then began making the tea.

Razor shook his head with his tongue sticking out after downing one of the vials of medicine. He hurled the glass vial across the cave in disgust and its shattered on impact.

"I'm sorry! I had no idea it would taste that bad..."

Razor sighed and tucked his knees to his chest. "I thought Y/N only brought tasty things..."

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