Comfort - Arataki Itto

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Your feet dragged beneath you as you trudged back to the tavern in town. Several bruises and scrapes covered your body and your clothes were covered in dust. You were in a sorry state to say the least, and you felt almost worse than you looked. Your commissions for the day had been extremely rough - chasing hilichurls out of camps and clearing out several treasure thief camps.

None of them were placed in easy to access locations, so you were left to hike through the mountains and brush to get your commissions done. And in the end, they hadn't even paid that much. During the course of the day, the treasure hunters had called you names during the fight and toyed with you until you got frustrated enough to use some of your most taxing abilities. You'd tripped down an entire mountain and gotten charged into a thorny bush by a Mitachurl.

You were incredibly frustrated. Nothing- absolutely NOTHING - had gone your way today. So you trudged into a bar (which was very unlike you) to try and wind down. You weren't a drinker, but you were starting to understand why someone could say how good a drink was at the end of a long, tiresome day.

As you entered the bar, several eyes turned to look at you.

"The Honorary Knight of Favonius..."

"Didn't she fight in the battle with Stormterror?"

"Boy, does she look rough..."

As the voiced around you murmured, you stood at the bar and ordered a glass of wine. Somehow, you were too tired and downright done with the day to care about your appearance.

The bartender handed you the glass of wine. You thanked them and turned sharply to go find a seat. Unfortunately, when you turned, there was someone there.

A noble man dressed in expensive clothing had been walking too close to you when you whirled around, causing your wine glass to knock into his expensive white coat. It splashed bright red and purple hues on the material, immediately staining it. In your moment of horror, the glass slipped from your fingers and hit the floor, shattering at the man's feet and covering his boots with what little wine remained in the glass.

"I'm so sorry!" You gasped.

The noble man looked at the damage that had been done to his jacket with pure disgust. "How dare-! Do you have any idea what you've just done?!"

"I'm sorry, it was an accident-!"

You grabbed a napkin and tried to dab away some of the wine, but the man glared at you and took a step back. "Don't touch me young lady! Do you have any idea who I am?"

You made no answer as tears welled up in your eyes. The man before you became blurred and your eyes threatened to pour big soppy tears out like a faucet.

The man jabbed a finger in your face, almost touching your nose. "You're going to pay for this jacket in full! And then you're going to pay for my boots to be serviced! Do you hear me?!"

When faced with this conflict, your fight or flight response kicked in. As the Honorary Knight of Favonius, you felt a duty to try and make things right with the noble, but at the same time...

You didn't have the heart or the energy to fight back. Not one inch. You shook your head and practically fast walked at a speed that should've been considered a jog. You burst out the door, tears just beginning to streak your dirty face. As you rounded a corner, you almost ran into another person.


It was your best friend and boyfriend Itto. With relief and panic, your heart stoked its fires and beat furiously, heating your face with embarrassment.

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