The Tree - Itto x Gorou

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"Did you find it yet?" Itto yelled.

Gorou shifted around quietly in the branches above Itto. "Not yet! ...It's gotta be here somewhere..."

For the last ten minutes, Itto and Gorou had been chasing a huge Onikabuto in a large tree. The sun was setting, and the two were running out of time to find it.

"I'm comin' up!" Itto made a move to climb further up the tree and help aid in the search, but the next branch broke under his weight. Luckily he was able to fall back to his previous tree limb safely.

Gorou looked back down at the Oni, who had tree bark and leaves all over in his thick white hair. "Thats okay!" He called, "You just stay put, I'll find it!"

"But the great Oni never fails!" Itto laughed heartily and tried to climb up using his nails in the tree bark. Needless to say, this attempt failed miserably too. Up higher in the tree, Gorou was gracefully picking his way through the leaves, looking in every nook for the beetle. He was quite a bit smaller than Itto and that helped a lot.

Itto could do nothing but pout as he watched Gorou with jealousy. It was going to be the biggest one he'd ever caught, and now Gorou was going to be the one to catch it, not him.

Itto adjusted himself on his tree branch with his back towards the trunk and his legs following the length of the branch so that he could lounge there while he waited. He closed his eyes and sat in silence for a while with his hands behind his head as a pillow.

After a while, he called, "Find it yet?"

"...I see it!"

With a start, Itto craned his neck to try and see Gorou. He could barely see glimpses of him through the leaves though - he was up that high. Gorou made a grunting noise as he stretched outwards towards something, then gasped as the sound of creaking wood echoed off the tree.

"Gorou!" Itto cried.

Gorou screamed as the branch he was perched on snapped beneath him and he began falling down the tree towards Itto. He hit a few limbs on his way down, and Itto waited for him with outstretched arms. Gorou landed with a thud in Itto's lap.

Itto held onto Gorou, trying his best to keep what little balance he had on his tree limb.

"Damn! I almost had it!" Gorou looked up excitedly at Itto with his tail thumping Ittos leg.

Itto looked back at Gorou and his face turned as red as hot coals. Gorou was stretched out and laying on him, and he'd never been so close to him before. Gorou saw the look on his face and realized with a start the position they were both in.

"I-I'm sorry, let me just-" Gorou made a move to get off of Itto but it teetered them both on the branch and Ittos blush faded as he grabbed ahold of Gorou to prevent them both from falling.

"... are we stuck?" Itto asked.

"Yeah, I think so."


A silence fell, broken only by the chirp of birds and the rustle of leaves in the wind. The two men tried not to look at each other.

Gorou looked behind him down the tree limb. "What if I-" Gorou started shimmying down Itto to go further out on the limb so that Itto could have enough room to slide off himself.

"WOAH HEY!" Itto shouted as Gorou slid across the top of his body. "What are you-"

"Shut up! I'm trying to get off of you so you can climb down the tree!"

Itto blushed and looked away, letting Gorou slowly slide across him. Gorou tried not to pay too much attention to where he was at on Itto's body. Itto shivered as Gorou passed over his abs and hips.

After what seemed like an eternity, Gorou lay clutching the last third of the limb that he and Itto shared.

"Hurry up and climb down! I'm not sure how long this branch can cold me here!" Gorou shouted.

Itto didn't need to be told twice. He quickly rolled off the branch and began his descent.

Gorou started making his way back up the limb towards the trunk of the tree, but the limb had taken enough weight. It began to crack under his weight. Gorou felt it and immediately started trying to crawl faster.

Itto looked up at the sound, worried that Gorou might fall again. There weren't many branches below him that he could catch his fall with.

"Not again! Gorou!"

Itto climbed back up quickly and reached a hand out. Gorou grabbed ahold of it just as his branch broke. Itto yanked him up by the hand as he fell for the second time, drawing him close to his chest and then tucking them both close to the trunk of the tree.

They both breathed heavily as the adrenaline left their systems.

"You can let go of me now," Gorou said.

Itto glanced down and realized that he was still clutching Gorou close to himself. "O-oh right. Sorry."

The two made their way down the rest of the tree safely. Once they reached the bottom, they both began to laugh.

"All that for nothing!" Itto whined.

Gorou laughed. "It was still fun though. I wish you could have seen how close I was!"

Itto and Gorou lamented the loss of the giant Onikabuto and decided to give it up since the tree wasn't safe at the height that the Onikabuto had decided to hide. As they walked away, Itto looked back at the tree, his heart beating quickly as he thought about what had happened. Gorou didn't seem to notice, he figured that Itto was just upset that the Onikabuto was still up there, just out of reach.

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