I need you to Breathe - Diluc x Reader

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Long story short, Diluc had owed a favor to Jean, which is why he found himself where he was now: sitting on a hilltop not far from  Mondstadt with Klee. She had asked him to watch over her for a day while the Knights of Favonius undertook a large project. Jean didn't tell him what the project was - not that he really cared to know - but he knew the importance behind babysitting Klee. She was unintentionally destructive at times, and did not know her own strength. It was incredibly dangerous to let her roam around on her own most days.

Diluc and Klee sat on a small knoll of a hill in Windrise, enjoying the scenery. They had just ate brunch and planned to visit Razor later that day per Klee's request.

"Hey... Master Diluc, sir?" Klee asked, getting his attention.

"Hm?" He turned to look at her.

"Where's y/n?" Klee asked. "You two are usually together, aren't you?"

Diluc smiled a bittersweet kind of smile. It was true, he and y/n had been running into each other and hanging out a lot these past few - no several months, Diluc realized.

"I believe they are busy with commissions today somewhere near Stor- I mean Brightcrown Mountains." He caught himself just in time. Klee did not need to know that the Brightcrown mountains were actually Stormterror's Lair. The last thing she needed was to get some bright idea to chase down a dragon that only the gods could tame.

"Oh." Klee looked down at her lap. "Does Master Diluc miss y/n when they have to go?"

Diluc thought about that for a moment. "I suppose I do. A little. I've always got so many other things to do though."

Klee leaned forward to Diluc and spoke in a whisper. "Do you like y/n?"

"What?" Diluc snapped. He quickly regained his composure and straightened out his jacket. "Depends on what you mean, Klee."

"Well... I think if you like like them, then you should tell them."

Diluc was barely able to suppress a blush. His heartbeat pounded in his ears. How could Klee have known? "Why do you think I like y/n romantically?"

"Well," Klee smiled, "I never thought Master Diluc was a very happy guy until I saw you hang out wih y/n! You two seem to have a lot of fun together!"

Diluc looked away. He hated that he was being pinned into a corner unintentionally by a child no less. "Hm. Even if I did like y/n, I wouldn't be the kind of person to know how to say it."

"But you could just tell them! I tell my Jumpty Dumpty I love him all the time!"

"What?" Diluc raised a brow. The image of a little girl holding a literal bomb and telling it she loved it was as unsettling as it was funny.

"Yeah! We could go to where y/n is and tell them you love them!"

Diluc shook his head, a stern expression crossing his face. "No, Klee, we can't go all the way to Brightcrown Mountains right now. Besides, Brightcrown isn't a place for children."

Klee's eyes widened. "Bright... crown?"

Diluc nodded, half interested.

"But that's... Miss Jean said that-!" Klee's face was quickly sinking into an expression of horror. "I just remembered!"

"Remembered what?"

"Miss Jean said there were a lot of bad guys there! An unusually large amount! She told me not to go that way!" Klee shook her head earnestly. "Very dangerous!"

"Wait, she said there were more enemies than usual there?" Diluc's heart sank. What if y/n was in danger?

"Yeah!" Klee replied. "She said they were those... the um... those weird bubble guys!"

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