y/n info

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new book even when i have more books to take care of.. irresponsible i know :|

y/n = your name

l/n = last name

f/n = first name

f/f = favorite food


now moving onto abilities! No you dont get to choose your ability it will just make it harder for me and i already have a draft of what your ability will look like overall! Do i have a name for it? yes, using a book titles generator.

"Tomb Without Honor" = ability

" Game Of Dawn " = true ability 

to sum your ability up, you make portals that can transport people, objects or yourself from one place to another. To send people to that place, you need to know the exact information about that place. Pretty cool huh? Anyway, you can teleport more than 1 people ofc but too many will be bad for you, and drains your health + energy, though not a lot. You're usually in the front or back, if any missions goes wrong then you'll be ready to retreat and bring them back and you would need to be treated. 

Now for special ability, you create a black hole. Thats it, you create it then the black hole will suck people into it and explode, killing everything that got suck in. Unlike chuuya, you can control it, but you can't control who get suck in and who doesn't. But using it would be draining on you yes. It might even resolve into.. death! :D no foreshadowing there *cough cough*

So this was suppose to be a dazai x reader but i changed it to chuuya bc i had more ideas. Not biased i swear. haha..

ANYWAY- UHH thats all!! I hope you'll enjoy this story here is some more y/n info before i go di- before i go away!

likes : cats, chuuya nakahara, fanfics (looking at yall right now), fighting, making fun of people, killing, suicide, jokes (girlie uses humor to cope. Again, looking at yall) 

dislikes: dry ppl, enemies, anyone who dare defy the mafia.

also some more.. you were with the sheep, along with our boy chuuya and you got into port mafia with him. Since you admired them, you joined them. You like chuuya, but he doesn't know that. But for him, you'll wait, even if its in the next lifetime. oops no foreshadow there ehe! Anyway you're strong bc ur y/n and i doubt chuuya would date someone that can't protect themselves. 

age : 21

ability : Tomb Without Honor 

personality is known to be bubbly and cheerful, with childish personality. But if it's work, it'll change in a second, so bipolar reader eheheh. So i gave this y/n, me! Bc i can relate to yall and yall can relate to me. Ez right? 

okay bye now <3

The Ying to my Yang ~Chuuya x Fem!Reader~Where stories live. Discover now