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You're now standing next to chuuya, arms crossed with the sight of covered dead bodies from the impact made by Q.

"how many casualties in total?" mori asked

"eighteen direct members. Including affiliate groups, there's nearly a hundred dead" chuuya answered, taking his hat off and holding it close to his chest

"not to offend anyone here, but it would've been worse if dazai didn't nullify Q's doll" you added, frowning 

"how can i ever show my face, to the previous boss now?" mori sighed, just then the door opened revealing Kōyō Ozaki

" ah, kōyō-kun!" mori said, 2 arms out

" that vagrant dazai kicked me out of the agency" she scoffed

"he said a useless prisoner like me is a waste of money, he even made me a play mail- man in lieu of paying rent. " she added

"ah, i see." you cheered, putting a hand under your chin.

" smart as ever y/n-chan, it's an invitation for tea with the agency's president" she said as she gave mori the letter.

" so that's there approach.." mori smiled


" welcome boss!" dazai cheered, you right now were standing next to Gin since you volunteered to come, being the strategist and all that.

"it's been four years, are you still using the coat i gave you?" mori waved and smiled at dazai, who only gave him a dead glare back

"well naturally, i burnt it." he stated

"boss of the port mafia, mori ougai-dono." the president stepped out, you knew their past connection and could definitely feel the tension from here.

"president of the armed detective agency, Yukichi Fukuzawa-dono." mori smiled back, and they both step towards each other while your face remain stoic. 

"so the moment has finally come" fukuzawa started, his eyes remain closed

"The agency and the port mafia! And here we are, the top of yokohama's two great skill user group. If the government brass knew of this secret meeting, they'd foam in the mouth!" mori laughed (politely people politely)

"let me cut to the point, one of our new agents... suggested we form an 'alliance' with you, the port mafia." fukuzawa announced, opening his eyes and glaring at mori

"i was against it. Fighting in tandem with an illegal group.. goes against our moral principles." fukuzawa said

"but the idea.. came from a man who'd been shot, slashed, and kidnapped numerous times by the mafia. His words carry a different weight." fukuzawa added, and you quietly snickered in the back, muttering out the 'oops' since you were the one who planned most of it out.

"with that.. and as leader, i could not turn a deaf ear." fukuzawa continued.

"yes, our respective positions can be a lot to bear!" mori smiled, hand under his chin

"to conclude, even if not an alliance... i wish to propose an interim cease-fire" fukuzawa suggested

"a deeply fascinating proposition." mori complimented

"allow me. First-" fukuzawa tried to continue, but was cut of my mori.

"have you ever read Thomas Schelling?" mori asked out of the blue


"then how about Jay Nash or Henry Kissinger?" mori inquired, of course you knew what he was implying, while fukuzawa looked quite confuse. You and dazai knew, since after all.. you were both traumatized by mori, except that yours lasted shorter. (since you joined the PM while chuuya did)

The Ying to my Yang ~Chuuya x Fem!Reader~Where stories live. Discover now