450 19 11

why am i so motivated again..? I dont even know


"man the moby dick is biggg" you gasped in awe, exploring the place.

"y/n-sensei, the coast is clear" akutagawa resorted, wiping off some excess blood from killing people on the plane in order to get to moby dick in the first place, both you and akutagawa started walking to wherever fate lies at.. encountering none other than atsushi nakajima.



they broke into a fist fight.

"now now, don't forget why we're here boys!" you smiled, stopping them from wasting more valuable time

"you've improved your acrobatics, man-tiger."


"i've come to kill you." akutagawa coldly replied

"i had pursued you after my previous defeat.. but this three-sided war broke out and your agency went undercover. I was able to intercept you.. because our "alliance" provided us insight into your agency's strategy" he added

"this doesn't make any sense... you- both of you- i dont get any of you at all" atsushi screamed, and you gave him a cheeky smile

"good" you smiled, right hand on your hip, noticing atsushi's ear, you saw a listening device- ah shit. Dazai

"right now, im linked to dazai san through this. He wants to talk to you." atsushi calmly said, you knew what the situation would turn out, rubbing your temples while atsushi threw the listening device off.

"there he goes." you sighed

"dazai-san, what about.. executive y/n?"

hearing little of the noises, you heard that dazai told him to run, otherwise he'd be meeting death door and ringing the bell like the door would ever open smh.

Atsushi took a run, nearly kicking you in the face but you swiftly dodged it

"should've expected that, right akutagawa?" you scoffed, holding up the listening device in your left hand while you right hand rest on your hip, it seemed like akutagawa never ran off to catch it, you caught it before he did.


Now, you sent akutagawa off to go with atsushi to do the next era twin dark as dazai had planned for something coming up.

the thing coming up is.. him.

Snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a bang from somewhere on the moby dick, probably atsushi and francis fighting.

Rummaging through files, rooms, even walls that you teared off to see if there is any secret backrooms.. ifykyk

After 10 minutes of walking around and exploring, the results were

-some paperworks

-a watch



-files on atsushi

-a piece of random clog

"hah.. what useless items, except for the money and files and paperworks though" you said, talking to yourself while your voice echo through the empty halls of the moby dick

"now.. it should be somewhere..... here!" you beamed, opening the door that lead you to the control room.

"to talk to dazai i should press... which button- oh this!" you said, pressing the random button on the controller, as the whole moby dick shook

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