Chapter 14: A dire reunion

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After a long drive in a van from the shelter FEAST with May, Peter and Norman, you four arrive in front of a big, decorated building. It seemed the house of someone important or at least wealthy. You open the van's door and jump out the vehicle followed by Mr. Osborn that thanked May before saying goodbye and leaving the van too. After you jump a slight pain on the waist taunts you again and you immidiately put a hand on it, grunting slightly for the discomfort. Apparently your bruises still hurt even if they were not so recent.

"Are you okay?"

Norman asks as he gets closer, looking at you worried.

"Nothing to worry about... Thank you."

You nod with a sigh as you straighten back, assuring him that you were good. He looks at you not totally convinced but you smile at him and turn your attention to the tall building: It had four floors and each of them with a lot of windows divided by marble columns and its roof was of a bluish color. It really seems expensive. After a minute Peter approaches you and quickly leads the two of you to the main entrance of the house while aunt May drives away. He opens the tall door to reveal inside a round room with a big main stair made of marble that leads to the other stair, statues and curtains near the entrance and on the right even a fireplace with some armchairs. Not to mention the mirrors and paintings that covered the walls and the expensive furnitured all around the room. You open your mouth, mesmerized for the beauty of the house. The only strange thing was that... It had some... snow inside.

"This way"

Peter's words snaps you from your thoughts and you follow him with Osborn in a hallway that brings to a smaller door with some old stairs leading below. Probably a cellar or rather, a basement.
Entering the basement you see two people sitting near a table, looking at a computer.

"Uhm, guys this is Y/n and Mr. Osborn-"

"Hey it's Doctor"

Osborn corrects Peter, pointing at him with his hand, scolding him for his mistake as the two guys stand up from the chairs and approach reclutantly the three of you, looking suspiciously while keeping their distance. One of them was a beautiful girl with sun-touched skin and curly, brown hair tied in a ponytail, the other one was a chubby boy with black hair that had some asian features with a hawaian shirt.

"Uhm... Sorry... Doctor Osborn, Y/n, these are my friends: this is Ned and MJ"

The boy presents you his two friends and you slightly wave your hand to greet them with a small smile. The chubby boy reciprocate your greeting while the girl keeps her worried look. They didn't seem bad people, just rightfully distrustful. After all you where the 'strange people' right now that came from nowhere appearing in their world. This concept kept being surreal to you.
The two guys seem to relax a bit after seeing your friendly gesture, looking back at Norman that had a raised eyebrow.

"Mary Jane?"

He ask with curiosity at the girl, that indeed had the same initials of your redheared classmate. Was she the Mary Jane of this universe?

"It's... Michelle...Jones actually..."

She hesitantly says with a worried look as Norman walks slowly past them fascinated, heading towards the center of the room and observing his sourroundings while you four look at him in silence.

"Are there other Ned Leedses in your world?"

The boy asks you with expectation after hearing the revelation of Norman. You look at him with surprise, opening your mouth but closing it shortly after, while thinking with furrowed eyebrows if you actually knew any Neds in your world.

"Uhm... S-Sorry... I don't... think so?"

You slowly shake your head, sorry to displease the boy that now had a sad face at the news.

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