The Secretary I || Kim Seokjin

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– Kim Seokjin, the man that you are –

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– Kim Seokjin, the man that you are –


Seokjin's POV

"Ms Y/l/n. It has been brought to our attention that you refuse to promote Mr Jung to be your deputy. I thought we were clear in our last meeting that either he becomes your Deputy CEO or you are pushed out of your position by the Board."

I sat next to the CEO at the long meeting table surrounded by every member of our company board who were looking at her as if she was less then the people in the room. Unfortunately most of the company board were delusional pricks who had no idea that she could run circles around them and would always be better then they could ever be.

The Chair of the board happened to be the father of the infamous Jung Hoseok, the man who he was trying to push to be the CEO's Deputy. They were power hungry men who saw the CEO as a threat purely because she was a woman. They'd never openly admit it but behind closed doors they spewed their hatred for the CEO and convinced half the board that she needed to be pushed out of her position.

First task, promoting him to Deputy CEO. And if she refuses, threaten her with the loss of her job.

Unfortunately their threat wasn't empty and company rules stated that the board could overrule the CEO so long as they have majority vote, including the CEO's vote. This extended to replacing the CEO so she was a little worried when the Chair of the board first approached her two weeks ago with an ultimatum.

I did my best to help and support her but I was merely her secretary. There was only so much I could do but I was committed to ensuring she stayed in her position. I had too much respect for her.

I looked to my side, glancing at the CEO's side profile and watching her closely. She was expressionless, just looking down the end of the table to where the Chair of the board sat. He was glaring at her with a smug look on his face that made me want to stand from my seat and punch him in the face until he could no longer physically look like that ever again.

I had tried to talk to the CEO before this meeting today but she shut me down and said to trust her. Nothing more, nothing less.

I didn't know what to expect but suddenly she smirked before she let out a frightening cackle, the kind of laugh you hear villains do in movies. It made the hairs on your neck stand to attention yet you couldn't look away. You were too intrigued so you had to keep looking.

"Oh Mr Jung. Did you really think I would take kindly to that little threat of yours? I bet you thought I would have spent these last two weeks chasing my own tail and cowering to your threat." She leant forward on her elbows and whipped her hair over her shoulder, humming to herself before smirking down at him.

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