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"V" v didn't get chance to  turn to where the stern calling of his name came from when a punch landed on his face by non other than gguk , kook scream terrified, no matter how many times he has watch his brother get physical with V he can never get use to it .

No one can use to watching their crush get into fight with their own brother everyday.

Yeah , Jungkook has always have that little crush on V for years now but as years passes , he realise he might have develope from the crushing level to another thing but he can't even say it out loud .

He loves gguk so much and can't bring himself to tell his twins brother about his feelings for his deadly enemy, anytime he tries to question gguk about his issues with V it always ended with the older twin telling him to keep distance from V.

"Can't you two behave like a human for a day without chasing after each other throats like animals?" V stare down at his feet hearing his older brother , yoongi loud voice.

" He started it!" V tried to defend himself but a deadly glare from yoongi was enough to shut it up , he sighs ruffling his hair with his fingers .

He can taste the metal taste on his tongue , which indicates he got another bursted lips or probably his lips ring bruises from the sudden impact , he's really going to murder gguk for that .

"And jeongguk , can't you act like the mature one here ? You two won't tell what went down between but yet keep disturbing the peace of others every day , can't you make use of that thing upstairs?" Yoongi directed his words towards the two who are hanging their head low like they're regretting their acts .

But others can tell they're probably planning how to get back on each other , their friends knows them more than you can imagine already.

"Hyung , they can't make use of what they don't have" namjoon stated calmly and the two suspect dare to raise their head up to glare at him but look down instantly when yoongi harshly smack their head , they know better not to go against yoongi.

"It's obviously true you two can't make use of what you don't have and V next time you get physical with him , watch me tell your baby about it" others are not confused on which baby yoongi was talking about , they know about V's lover which he always speak to on the phone everyday.

V eyes went wide.

"You won't tell anything hyung" yoongi tilted his neck challengingly at V who groan loudly before throwing last glare at gguk ready to walk out of the room until a call of his name stop him.

"V?" He knows who call him like that , it's none other than Jungkook of course.

The said boy step closer stretching his hand out to him with the small plaster he was holding , V sighs taking the piece from Jungkook who smile softly as he watch the Kim disappear behind the now close door.

"Hyung sit down , I will put plaster on your bursted lips again" of course that's Jungkook's job , carrying plasters and disinfectant around Everytime because he doesn't know when his brother and his crush will decided to sits on each other throats again.

"Kook stop treating these assholes like humans and let them feel the pains from their act for a day" Jungkook pout at jin's stern voice who just enter the cafeteria but can already guess what has happened the moment he bumped into V outside as he was coming in.

"B-but it'll hurt them" others sighs at the young twins words and decided not to comment on that , Jungkook is too nice to those assholes.

"Seriously maybe I should speak with Mom and change jeongguk school , before he commit murder or get murdered , there's no option between those two" Jin stated after some moments and already expected it when gguk glares at him.

"Mind you fucking business" Jin roll his eyes before scoffing , he can't waste his energy on unmannered brat like gguk , he's too pretty for that seriously.

"Don't speak to hyung like that !" Jungkook softly scolded gguk before gathering up the older twin hair and tie it with his rubber band.

"You've got into fight with him today before ? Where did this bump comes from ?" The younger twin frown seeing the little bump at the side of gguk's head .

"Yeah , we had the same class together and he was being annoying so I punched him" jimin click his tongue before standing up and pick up his bags , he can't stand either V or gguk present . Those two are very much annoying .

"Kook , meet me in class soon" jimin roll his eyes at gguk before bidding byes to others and walk away .

Yoongi scrunch his nose up when he felt his phone vibrated against his pocket but a smile break into his face when he bring it out and see the caller.

"Yes?" He mumbled trying his best to ignore other gawking eyes fixed on him for speaking in such a soft voice .

"He didn't pick your calls ? M-maybe he's in class ? Yeah he's done eating , wait till he's done? ....I'm not your slave to starts looking for him , just wait till he calls you back" yoongi chuckle at the other voice before slipping his phone into his pocket .

"Why did V lover have your contact?" Namjoon can't help but question and yoongi just shrugs, he doesn't have any answers to that .

"To keep tap on the womanizer of course , which other reason can it be?" Gguk dryly laugh making others throw him an unamused look .

Jungkook stare down at his laps , he knows V have a lover but was it his fault that he couldn't speak up earlier before the man was taken ? , Aside from that , he personally doesn't think V was into man but either way he have got no chance anymore.

"I'm going to class , bye hyungs" kook said smiling at others and gguk sighs since he can see through his brother more than anyone.

"I'll wait for you at the park , and love you" gguk mumble the last part lowly knowing others are going to tease him for that but he just wants to see his twin smile back at him which the male did before walking away.

"Awww someone doesn't want our kookie to be mad at him ? So he's telling him I love you ?" Gguk groan at their older brother annoying voice before he decided to also walk away leaving the three older's ones to laugh at him.

He'll murder them one day .


Sorry for mistakes

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