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Jeongguk roll his eyes roughly at the loud squeals of his fellow students as he walk through the hallway , hands dipped inside his two pockets , his mind was occupied again from the revelation that has happened at the Kim's mansion two days ago. He really couldn't look himself in the face and has ran away from there , he has even been avoiding his own twin since two days ago , he was ashamed of himself.

"Ggukie!" Jeongguk pause spinning around instantly at the call of his name and he definitely didn't except to get jumped on instantly by none other than Taehyung, he had expected the boy to be mad at him after wrongly accusing his twin brother but guess he was wrong again.

"See ggukie, they thought I am Mama's bear and keep avoiding my gaze" Taehyung giggles and that's when gguk finally notice Taehyung has used use eyeliner to draw fake tattoos like V's own and was even wearing V's clothes , but looking at his eyes ,gguk knows those two are different two humans.

"But you're very much pretty than V so I don't think they fall for your tricks, where's he ? Why are you walking alone?" Gguk question not giving a fuck about the wide eyes of the students burning into their soul , his whole attention was on the giggling male in his hands.

He doesn't want to wrong the boy by asking about his health but he seriously notice the way Taehyung acts childish one moment and the next second he becomes serious back , but gguk loves every shade of that.

"He's with kookie outside and I ran away before he can catch me , you didn't stay like others on Saturday, taetae is pissed at you" gguk chuckled as he starts walking towards his class for the day , he smiles up at Taehyung who was sucking on his thumb and he notice the boy's cheeks was all red from the numerous stares on them.

"How can you be pissed at me? But I'm sorry hmn? what do you want ? I mean as apology" Tae tap his chin dramatically like he was lost in his thoughts while gguk eyes was just staring at him with adoration, but gulp when Taehyung finally speak up.

"V give lips kisses when he's sorry so ggukie should do that too" he awkwardly cough but was thankful the younger's tune was low enough not to be heard by the students that can't seem to mind their business but keep staring at .

"First baby , you shouldn't be kissing your V on the lips . I don't like it" gguk calmly stated and Tae frown looking down at gguk's face before scoffing and turn away , he can tell it won't be easy getting the boy to stop the habit him and his brother seem to have got addicted to.

"Taetae love kisses" the pretty male mumble under his breath causing gguk to sighs , yeah but my lips are made for a reason , that's exactly what gguk was going to say but he decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Do you get your schedules already?" He question instead and Tae shakes his head giggling when he remembered he has run away when they were waiting for youngi to come back with his schedule , gguk only sighs stepping into class and already expected the wide eyes that are staring at him.

Half of the students thought he was holding V in his arms and what news can be bigger than the college two hotties who are basically enemies been seen in each other's arms?.

Taehyung quickly wiggle out of gguk's hold making the male confused for a second until he sees Tae straighten his back , and trying to make his face expressionless like V's but end up looking so fucking cute , at least in gguk's POV.

"Keep your creepy and unappreciated eyes away you female dogs" gguk really doesn't mean to laugh at the way Taehyung has tried to imitate V's voice but end up failing awfully, he can't stop laughing , female dogs?. V will never and never use that words.

"Why don't you just say hey to them in your real voice ?" Gguk bites his lips when Taehyung glare at him before speaking up again , still trying to Use V's tone but failing again.

"What are you talking about ?" The pretty male frown but they turn around at the call of his name only to see a worried Jungkook and V standing by the door step, he quickly drag gguk body as his shields away from V's stern eyes.

"I told you he'll definitely be with hyung" kook mumble under his breath staring at his twin brother who he haven't set his eyes own since two days ago the said male has decided to hide his face in shame , the students are trying to process the fact that two V are currently standing in the room with them.

"Hyung don't be angry okay ? I just want to meet ggukie" Taehyung peek from gguk's back and decided to break the awkward silence between the three other figured , V sighs rolling his eyes.

"You could've waited a little bit till hyung get your schedules, you made me worry. And clean those things on your face , stop messing your precious face up with those ink baby" V mumble under his breath and Tae finally emerge from gguk's back hugging V who sighs but hug him back either way.

"Want to look like hyung" Tae Mumble against V's neck and the said male just sighs humming before finally letting his eyes meet with gguk's for a second before he turns away.

"I'm going to class and should I guide you to your first class?" V can tell his words wasn't supported with how fast Taehyung pull away from him and snatch the schedule noted he was holding.

"No , I am a big boy" sound like a lie to V ears but he just smile nodding his head and lean forward to peck tae's forehead and throw last glance at gguk before walking away , Jungkook step forward hugging gguk shortly and smile at his brother who breath out relief , it's a luck to see others not being mad at him.

"See you later hyung and you know he's leaving him in your care" gguk hum at Jungkook's words that are whisper against his ear , of course he knows V let Taehyung alone because he knows gguk won't let him get hurt.

Jungkook wave at taehyung before running out of the room Too.

"Ggukie I can't find my class" Tae Mumble and gguk make a frowning face , a fake one.

"Go and find it , you just said you're a big boy and big boy can find a simple class" Tae look up at gguk with an angry puppy eyes.

"Me ? A big boy? No I am a baby , small baby , cute baby" gguk sure knows he's going to be facing a lot of heart attack ofy Tae decided to continue being this cute.

"Okay my big baby , let's go" gguk groan but smiles when Taehyung lift his hands up wordlessly telling him to pick him up which he did walking out of his own class to hunt for Taehyung's.

The students was more than confused.


Sorry for mistakes

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