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"I should've seen you nothing than a villain in my life , I should've seen the evil inform of you coming , you could've strip and get more popularity to the ones you've got but no ! You decided to include me in your dirty game and Jungkook won't even let me touch him for weeks now" gguk raise his brow at V's words before dropping the wine glass he was holding on the counter.

"You know , I am really hoping the touching you're talking about isn't really the one I am thinking about , you're growing wings ? Now you're telling me you fucking my brother to my face?" Jimin and Jin just sip their drinks casually waiting for the drama that's about starts , yoongi as usual doesn't seem phase by the situation as his eyes were only fixed on jimin who was busy enjoying drama than noticing his gaze.

Namjoon was confusedly staring between gguk and V , he thought their fight has ended? .

"Bitch don't pretend like you're not fucking my baby too , I'm overlooking it because he seem extremely happy with you , one tear on his face caused by you will be the reason you won't have chance to exist anymore" gguk roll his eyes and let his eyes wander to the middle of the club where Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting.

"You should be glad you're not getting teeth sank into your body everyday, don't you know maybe a part of your family tries cannibalism? , I don't know how long I'm going to last before your brother eats me finish" jeongguk dramatically exclaim unbuttoning his shirt first three buttons , and pull his shirt off his shoulder to show the teeth marks all over his shoulder blade down to his chest.

"Damn , he's wild" namjoon chuckled but gguk wasn't having that shit as he glare at him through his thick lashes.

"I want him wild but definitely not this type of wild , who the fuck told him to be biting people? His teeth is fucking sharp and I don't even know maybe he realise that-- see those teeth look extremely attractive until they are sank deep into your body" others just laugh at gguk terrified face staring at taehyung who was smiling widely at him.

"He won't do that if you didn't offend him , he got extremely angry when someone annoys him and always wants to inflict the feelings on them back so I guess he found out his teeth are his best weapon?" Yoongi mutter but gguk only sighs while V was already lost in Jungkook's eyes that are staring right back at him , others wants to laugh at V's face when the younger jeon twin turn away with his eye rolls.

"He's still mad at me and that's your fucking fault!" V growl ready to launch forward to jimin and Jin who drag the two figures besides them as shield, yoongi sighs rolling his eyes . He just wants to be a stone but here he is as a shield.

"Leave them , they're not at fault . You and gguk could've say no to their rubbish fantasy but you didn't so enjoy your punishment" V sighs and roll his eyes for the countless times that day before he walk towards where Jungkook and Taehyung was sitting, hoseok was long lost on the dance floor.

"I'm going to try my luck too" gguk mumble trailing behind V almost instantly while others just shakes their head amusingly.

"Why are we even at club tonight?" Namjoon question because he surely knows he have got class tomorrow morning and here he is , trying hard to resist the urge to just Chuck down the different shots and get drunk like there's no tomorrow. (I wish there's no tomorrow).

"Because those two idiots are whipped and making sure to agree to both Taehyung and Jungkook request , I don't sign up enough for this" yoongi groan but turn his head side way when he felt someone resting their jaw on his shoulder from the back , he doesn't even the need the turning to know who it might be but he just really want to confirm it.

He gulp feeling jimin's body pressed against his back , he knows the younger was probably leaning against him casually like he does with others but was yoongi supposed to take it casual when the boy he was seemly to like is currently leaning on him?.

"Hyung did you change your cologne?" Yoongi wants to cry , this boy think it's cute to whispered those into his ears ? He swear all he can hear is 'hyung do you want to fuck me all night'.

"I didn't , I just used hyung cologne because my own finished and I didn't even notice" yoongi had to accolades his ability to mask his own emotions no matter how overwhelming they might be , or else he knows he'd have pin jimin back against the couch they're currently sitting and fuck him until he lost every voices in him.

"Oh , I know you don't smell like you , do you want me to go shopping with you whenever you're buying ?" Jimin ask fidgeting his shirt sleeve with his fingers and mentally thanking his goodness that he wasn't standing infront of yoongi at this moment or he would've really make a fool out of himself.

You can't blame him , yoongi is just that hot and jimin's crush on the man wasn't helping him at all , he was always subtly with the older male but he concluded he have hold no chance when the older doesn't even react anyway.

But as long as the man's still single , his hope will still be intact.

"Sure , tomorrow after our class? I'm going to help hyung in the office on Saturday" yoongi said and jimin smile nodding and he stare at the older side profile only to turn away instantly when yoongi take a glance at him.

"Wait , jeongguk and V has manipulate those poor babies , see how Jungkook and Taehyung are blushing" Jin suddenly drag their attention back to the dance floor where the Kim and Jeon are holding Kim and Jeon.

"You act like you don't blush with namjoon hyung" jimin roll his eyes but make himself smaller beging yoongi's figure when Jin glare at him.

"Fuck off"


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( This story is 20chapters).

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