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When someone has said Taehyung is fighting , the guys has expected a lots of sight maybe someone slapping Taehyung or the boy probably crying but the one they're currently witnessing is out of their expectations.

A boy was laying on the floor , on the hallway that lead to the cafeteria, Jungkook was pinning the boy's hands up above his head while hoseok was holding the boy's legs in place , and Taehyung?.

He was sitting on the boy's stomach with his slippers in his hands , using them to slap the boy's face from left to right , V was trying hard to process whatever scene he's currently witnessing while jeongguk pinch himself to make sure none of this was in his dream.

"Another ten , he said you've got a seducing eyes" Jungkook stated and Taehyung nods and starts smashing the boy's face with slippers again and others are even too shocked to react, the students are watching with their eyes wide open.

"He said ggukie is a gangster too , and that's seventeen letters so seventeen smash for his dumb butt face" Tae mutter and slippers sounds fill up the air again , the boy laying under him was protesting but what can he do when his hands and legs has been held by both hoseok and Jungkook.

Yoongi was the first one to finally snap out of his thoughts and he step forward.

"Taebear what are you doing?" He asked bewildered but the boy didn't answer him until he counted the seventeen smashes complete on the boy's face.

"Come on let him go guys" namjoon call out to hoseok and Jungkook who roll their eyes but release the boy anyway, the boy was going to raise his hand on Tae who was able to catch it on time but with his teeth , loud scream of pain fill up the air when the young Kim sank his teeth in to the boy's hand while using his free hand to continue smacking his face with his slippers.

"Bear you're going to kill him , what has he done to make you this much angry?" V worriedly question as he keep pulling Taehyung who won't release his teeth grip on the boy's hand , his eyes was close tightly and moving his head side ways like he was trying to tear the flesh against his teeth , others are sure the boy that happen to be his victim will spend more than a week in hospital.

"Open your eyes babydoll , come on let him go and tell us what he did , your hyung is going to take care of it please" Tae pill his eyes open staring at gguk who was holding his cheeks trying to make his grip on the boy's hand loosening and when it finally did , the boy fall limp on the fall but still conscious.

"What the heck happened?" V request glaring at Jungkook and hoseok who roll their eyes before speaking up , Taehyung was being hugged by gguk who was still trying to calm the angry boy.

"Me and taetae was coming back after cleaning the room and this boy and his friends starts laughing as we are passing then , this particular one said if not that we are V and gguk's brother , he won't have resist the urge to drag us into empty classroom and have his way with us" Jungkook explained and yoongi that was about to let the boy go snap his head up before glaring down at the boy again , the fucking audacity.

"Kookie told them to stop saying such dirty thing and they started laughing and calling hyung and ggukie gangsters so we decided to teach them some lessons , that's when hoseok hyung found us" Tae Mumble and their hyungs sighs turning to the boy who was stuck in yoongi's hold , it seem like the rest of the boy's gang had ran away.

"Did you really did that?" V ask blankly at the boy and Taehyung roll his eyes pushing V back with his chest.

"He did ! , I was standing infront of another boy whose teeth was in bad shape but have a little mark below his eyelids , the second one mole just above his eye lid and the third-" V sighs knowing damn well Taehyung really knows what he was talking about , if they were to allow the boy to starts stating the appearance of the others , they're probably going to spend the rest of the day at the same spot.

"But you could've come to call me or V instead of getting down with him , see your pretty face is all messed up" gguk mumble using his shirt sleeve to wipe the eyeliner stains that messed up the younger's face , Taehyung won't stop his habit of drawing the type of V tattoos on his face everyday.

"Taetae no no cry baby" gguk chuckle staring at the boy that was bashing his lashes at him cutely , of course he's no no cry baby.

"Oh really ? But I know you're a baby tho" he smiles when the boy pouts but starts playing with gguk's necklace.

"Taetae a baby but no no cry baby" he explained again and gguk can already guess the boy wasn't really in his adult full mind again since he has starts speaking in third POV.

"Okay then , taetae is a big baby but not cry baby ? That's awesome but what does this big baby wants now?" Gguk was keeping his one eye on the others that seem engaged in a very serious conversation with the beaten boy now , he knows that boy is really going to regret his choice.

If Kim's let him off the hook , jeongguk knows his baseball bat will really be put into real work later that day , that motherfucker dare think of putting his disgusting hands on his two babies , what death wish can be effective than that?.

"Want to sleep , baby is tired" gguk hum bending a bit only to pick the younger up and the boy instantly wrap his arms around gguk's neck and his legs around the older male torso.

"You have to be really tired after almost beaten someone into coma , want to sleep in my car ? Others can take care of this mess" Tae just nod pushing his face into gguk's neck.

"I'm stepping out with him , you guys take care of that dick or I'm doing it my way"

"Ggukie smell like Mama's bear" Tae Mumble before pushing his head back to stare at gguk and the latter knows he'd really be needing a casket soon with the way the younger's face drop.

He's doomed.


Sorry for mistakes

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( Sighs ,was suppose to complete this story today but .......... Anyways my Kofi link is in bio if you'll like tod drop tip and commission slots are still available ♥️)

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