Chapter 15: Island Challenge - MeleMele Island Part I

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Hello everyone! So, its finally time! The first major arc of Alola is about to begin! I won't talk for too long, as I'm guessing you all can't wait to read (and honestly, who could blame ya xD), so let me just say I hope you all enjoy!

Ash and Serena walked through the heart of Hau'oli City looking for the path that will lead them to Verdant Cavern, the site of Ash's first Island Trial. They were passing by the port when Vulpix started to shake.

"Vulpix? Hey what's wrong?" Serena asked with worry.

"N-Not there! Anywhere but there! Don't let it get me mommy!!"

Serena was confused but looked over to where she was staring. She saw a familiar body of water and suddenly got a brainwave. Her eyes widened in realization. She quickly covered Vulpix's eyes and held her tight.

"Shh...its okay sweetie, we're not going over there see?" She said, trying to comfort the baby Pokemon. Ash saw this and was confused. As Serena rejoined Ash, he decided to ask her.

"What was that about?"

Serena looked behind her.

"That area, that's where I found Vulpix, that's where she almost..." Serena couldn't speak about it anymore. She started to tear up. Ash immediately hugged her.

"Hey its alright Serena, she's fine now right? You saved her."

Serena simply nodded.

"I just...I can't imagine going through something so traumatic at such a young age."

"I know I can..." Ash mumbled. Serena looked at him with confusion.

"What was that?"

Ash's eyes widened. He quickly turned away and spoke a little faster than normal.

"I-I said I know I can't."

Serena was a little perplexed at Ash's sudden reaction. A thought had been weighing on her mind for the past couple days. 'Why did he hyperventilate at my comment? Its not like I struck a nerve.....right?' She was about to ask him about it when suddenly a group of people were running past them. They saw them join a crowd of an already existing mass of people. They decided to join them to see what was going on. They saw two people engaged in a battle. One looked very similar to the weirdo trainer that Ash battled the other day, the other was a tan skinned man with light pink-ish hair, a brown vest over a white shirt, light colored capris, blue shoes and a brown glove on his right hand. He had a Smeargle in front of him who was patiently waiting for its opponent to make a move. The Team Skull member had a Zubat on his side, who was looking tired.

"Use bite!" The Team Skull member said.

The Zubat flew straight towards Smeargle with its fangs spread wide.

"Jump" Smeargle's trainer said calmly.

Smeargle jump in the air with ease. While still in the air, its trainer gave the next command.


Smeargle let out a powerful Thunderbolt that hit Zubat directly. It fell to the ground motionless and with swirls in its eyes. The Team Skull grunt returned Zubat and grunted. The other trainer stepped forward.

"If you're done messing around then I suggest you leave before I help you" the trainer said.

The Team Skull grunt ran off, but not before raising his middle finger at the man. He sighed as he shook his head.

"Always the sore losers" he sighed, Smeargle sighing in agreement. He looked towards the crowd and waved with a smile. Everyone cheered.

"Trial Captain Ilima is so awesome!"

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