Chapter 30: Icy Rescue Arc Part I - Journey to Aether Paradise

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Heeeeyyy everyone! It's finally here! The next major story arc is finally about to begin! I've already got most of it planned out, however some parts I might still come up with on the spot. But regardless, I hope you'll all enjoy the next major arc of Our Promise, Our Future!

The sun rose up from the horizon, greeting a new day for Alola. Ash and Serena rose from their bed fully awake. Serena let out a yawn as Ash stretched his arms. Pikachu and Sylveon awoke as well, Pikachu yawning and Sylveon stretching. The group made their way down the ladder and went into the kitchen. The professors were already up and working on breakfast.

"Morning" Ash and Serena said.

"Good morning you two, sleep well?" Kukui asked.

Ash and Serena nodded. Breakfast was eventually done and everyone sat down and ate. After finishing the phone rang, which Burnet volunteered to get up and answer it.

"Hello? Oh! Lusamine! This is an unexpected surprise!" Burnet said with happiness. As Burnet listened, her face slowly turned from happiness to concern. "I see...alright then, we'll stop by. Alright, bye."

Burnet hung up the phone and sat back down at the table.

"Everything alright professor?" Ash asked.

"I just got off the phone with Lusamine. She says she needs to talk to us about something" Burnet answered.

"What about?" Kukui asked.

"She didn't specifically say, just that it was imperative that we come right away."

This concerned everyone. Serena suddenly rose up.

"Well then, let's go!"

The professors and Ash looked at her with surprise.

"You want to go too Serena?" Burnet asked. Serena nodded. Burnet turned to Ash. "You want to go too Ash?"

Ash nodded. "Wherever Serena goes, I go." Serena blushed upon hearing that.

"I'll get the boat ready then" Kukui said as he got up.

Delphox suddenly froze and turned ghost white.

Ash was preparing his gear when Silvally suddenly started to get worked up.

"Silvally? What's wrong buddy?"

Silvally looked Ash in the eye and once again changed the scene for Ash. Ash suddenly found himself in the same barely lit area he was in last time. This time he saw Silvally through a window in chains. Ash started to beat on the glass but it wouldn't break. Suddenly he saw three figures walk in the room. Two of them were wearing helmets while the third person had weird green bug shaped glasses.

"Is it cooperating now?" The man asked.

The two masked scientists said nothing, indicating that it wasn't. The man let out another "tch" as he entered the room. He walked up to Silvally and got in its face.

"Listen here you simple minded beast. You were created to do my biding! So unless you wish to be destroyed and rebuilt, I suggest you start behaving or else!"

Silvally simply growled at the man. The man got up and walked back towards the door. He started to walk past Ash as he mumbled to himself.

"In order for this to succeed I need Type: Null's power."

The scene changed back to where Ash was. He looked at Silvally, who just stared at him. Ash scowled and nodded his head. He raised Silvally's Poke Ball up. Silvally growled as it too nodded its head. Ash recalled Silvally and placed its ball on him where no one would find it.

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