Chapter One

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        "I yearn for your love like the earth.
         For you to drizzle down on me like                                 rain."


You leaned your head back, his face in the crock of your neck, his breath tingling you. His one hand moving up and down your upper leg which felt numb now while the other caressing your stomach.

You could feel your heartbeat on top of his, uneven but comforting. His shirt, his shorts, his hands on your body, his breath tickling you, you felt safe.

"It's raining so heavily." He mumbled against your skin, your eyes looking out the window, cold wind making its way inside, the curtains moving.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" A woman's voice filled with excitement went through your ears taking you out from your memories of rain and him.

You blinked and shifted your body weight on the other leg, arms crossed over your chest to tackle the coldness of air due to rain. You glanced at the said woman, who was standing at a distance with their partner, a man who had their arms around the woman's body.

You exhaled in exhaustion taking away your eyes from the couple to the front. You were standing under a shade of a shop, waiting for the rain to stop.

The work was taking a toll on you now.
You could feel your body screaming at you to take some rest but how can you when you almost had to work 24/7? With no choice.

And the very fact that you missed them.
You missed him.

But there was no going back.

The raindrop bounced on the ground causing water and dust to jump forth and back as they collided. Some of it getting on your boots, your eyes stuck on them, feeling the cold winds on your skin. The winds wrapping around your long strands of hair, making them dance in the tunes of rain.

"Should we get some sweets?" The woman questioned their partner, their voice higher than you liked. "Should we?" The man replied. "Also your favorite tea?" The man went on again, making you exhale in annoyance, as you shifted your body weight to the other leg.

But again, the tea got you right there.
It reminded you of him. And you couldn't help but wondered what was he doing right now, not that you had the luxury to ask him anymore.

Your eyes went to the ground, looking at the raindrops as they collided against the ground, the only task in your hand. Your mind in a fog, all voices around got blurred as you stared at the ground mindlessly.

All you could see were the shoes of people walking around in the rain. A pair of shoes came in the peripheral vision of your eyes and with another blink they stood infront of you, making you look up at the person.

"Colt?" you spoke up as soon as your eyes collided with the light hazel ones.
His short light brown hair looked slick, due to rain and he had a beige color shirt on with black pants while his shirt had few rain drop marks. An umbrella over his head.

He gave you a smile as a response to you calling his name. "Need help?" He questioned gesturing towards the umbrella making you glance up and then back at him. And before you could say anything he stated further.

"It doesn't seem to stop anytime soon." He slightly looked up at the sky, making you do the same. "You're right.." You trailed off, extending your arm to feel the rain on your palm. "It doesn't seem to." You finished.

"I have you covered, I can drop you home." He tilted the umbrella to your side, a smile on his face, making you mirror his expression as you shook your head, "But I'm not going home.." you reasoned as you glanced around the market place, seeing some people rushing to get cover while others walked their way with a umbrella.

With You | Levi Ackerman Where stories live. Discover now