Chapter Two

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What a waste.

You thought looking at your ankle. The throbbing pain increasing with each second.

You were in Marley, the other side of the sea for the first time. And on the very first day, you cramped your ankle.

What a waste. Yeah.

"Why are you so clumsy?" Levi mumbled as he gently held the calf of your right leg with one hand and the other took off your shoe. He gently asked you to twist and turn your ankle, no idea what technique he was using to inspect it but you did it anyways with your teeth gritting because of the pain.

"Wasn't entirely my fault." You mumbled quietly and glanced around for the kid who's act ended up you being here.

He made you flex your foot muscles. His hands gently massaging the affected part. You stole a glance at him, his raven hair smoothly falling over his eyes, his jaw tensed as he diverted his whole attention on your foot. His knees on the ground, on either side of your right leg.
His white shirt over his build torso, his muscles flexed with each movement, showing his muscles under his tight shirt.

Wow. wow stop right there!

You quickly looked down not wanting him to catch you in the middle of it.

"Can you walk?" He questioned, making you look at him. His silver eyes colliding with yours, the shadow of his hair over his eyes making them look more appealing.

"Yeah totally." You cleared your throat, pushing your mind to focus on your foot than him. But it's not your fault he looks like this.

You pushed your hands on the grassy ground pushing your body up and you totally regretted it the second you placed your right foot on the ground.
You turned around with a squeak, hopping on your left leg, while holding onto your right knee.

"Yeah you totally can walk." He commented sarcastically as he approached your hopping figure, while he took out some articles from the back of his pockets and placing them on his front pockets, followed by taking off his coat as he walked towards you.

"Fuck this hurts like shit." You cursed to yourself still hopping on your left foot, not daring to put your other foot down.

Levi grabbed your arm stopping your be a bunny agenda and giving your body a support to stand. His face holding a faint smile as he passed his coat in your hands and once stabilizing your body, he turned around and crounched down infront of you.

"Hop on now, bunny." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. Your faint smile turned into a cheeky one on his comment, finding him so fucking cute.

You hopped onto his back happily. Yeah happy, despite the pain in your ankle. His arms went under your knees as he swiftly stood up with you on his back without much effort. Of course he was strong and his muscular well defined body was.. well.

Your arms snaked around his neck while you had his coat around your arm, which was infact inconvenient as you tried your best to keep it away from his face. Your nostrils were filled by his musky, tea scent, his hair tickling your face. He glanced over at you and made his hold more secure and made his way down the grassy land.

You and him were here for work, to look after the whereabouts of some eldians who were rumored to be living here. But a little kid got you both tricked and in some ways your effort to catch him got your ankle cramped.

The rest of the squad were on the same task in different regions on the very first day of arriving here.

The sky above you was orange-red, while the far stretched was turning purple. The day was about to end.
Your head resting on his shoulder, your nose grazing his neck. You two only spoke here and there but stayed silent most of the time with your constant effort to keep his coat intact and away from his face.

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