Chapter Six

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There is a bird, singing, from the deep shadows of the forest. An owl maybe, accompanied by the sounds of the twigs, woods, crackling in the fire nearby the place you were kept in.

A sort of tent which contains a bed you were sat on, a table with a glass of water on top and the rest is empty. Empty darkness at the side corners of this place.

You could hear distant sound of murmurs, people chatting away.
You sat here in silent, listening to your own breathing, something you've gotten used to.

You rotated your wrists in a circle, surprised how alien it felt. You've been restrained for days, with chains, handcuffs and now having nothing on your hands to lock you, to be able to freely move your hands felt foreign.

There were scars around your wrists, red and blue and purple, it burned.
The silence in your mind too deafening.
You just wanted to sleep or run, run far away where you can just exist without having to fight for your life.

Neither of the options were something you could achieve as of now.

Shadows of people trailed outside the tent, the soldiers outside whose supervision you were on. The shadows moved from one corner to another, all around the lateral surface area of the set up.

You sighed and fidgeted your shoes, wanting to take them off and at the same time too exhausted to do so.
Another sigh and you rubbed your eyes from the back of your hand, a little glimmer of water on your eyelashes erupted making you blink them away.

You sat in silence, nothing in your mind.
The moving shadows outside the only entities moving while the whole forest sat at silence.

As seconds went by of you looking down at your lap, thinking nothing, feeling nothing, a still shadow outside the entrance of the tent caught your attention making you glance up.

A blink, then another, no movement at all, the sounds of you breathing and just you breathing when the entrance opened, and Levi came in, making you stop, everything all at once. Your breathing, blinking and the turmoil.

"Hi." A word slipped through your mouth, sounding strange to you amongst all the silence.

"Hi." A reply, almost inaudible went in your eardrum, your heart raced hard, so hard, almost leaping out. You heard him for the first time, after years, talking to you. To you, only you.

He walked inside, towards you, the moonlight shone and dimmed as he walked in and the entrance closed behind him.

You wanted to run into his arms, walk towards him, hug him, and never let go but your body didn't move an inch. Not even an inch. Your lips apart wanting to say something, anything but no words came out.

He walked and walked and crounched down infront of you. He kept aside a tray of bandages and ointments and took in a sharp breath, looking down.

You saw as he swallowed, his chest moving up and down, his eyes wavering over your hands in your lap.

He took your hands in his, shooting goosebumps all over your body, and
muttered, very slowly, "Finally." as he kissed your knuckles.

You closed your eyes, tears threatening to fall down, you nodded once and twice and gulped down, exhaled shakingly.

"It's been a long time." You started,
"I wasn't sure how you'd react to seeing me again." You continued, unsure. Your eyes were down, you were too scared to look at him.

The environment of the room felt too heavy or maybe it was the emotional turmoil weighing you down but all you wanted was to cry. Just cry in his arms.

"I would react by bringing you in my arms," he mumbled very softly as he gently brought his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You felt like water, and air and everything all at once when you felt his body against yours.

"..and this time, I would not let go. Never again." He continued, tightening his arms around your body.

The bird which kept singing in these dark hours, the clacking of fire wood outside and the footsteps of soldiers were far and far away now. Because now you could feel him breathing against you.Now, you could feel him caressing your back.

You slowly wrapped your arms around his torso, and your face into the crook of his neck.

And you breathed and breathed, like you were deprived of oxygen from eternity, like you were brought back to life again.

Because now, you had your world around your arms.


[Author's Note]

Well, hello to my humans! Have your meals and Stay safe!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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