Chapter Five

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Your mind was in chaos, there was no doubt about it. But you didn't realize there was a greater chaos waiting for you in Paradise. Your home.

To your shock, Paradise was uprooted. Politically, Military, Strategically and Emotionally.

If you could have, you wouldn't have underestimated the peace in Marley.
It was the calm before the storm,
you were unaware of.

The whole system was uprooted. The divisions which was well established when you left were distorted now. More or less done by Eren's minions. Minions? Was it a right word? You didn't know. There was a handful of information you were able to gather. Or was presented to you. So without thorough research there was no conclusion you could make of.

The sound of leaves crunching under your shoes, your muscles stiffening teeth sinking in your lips, you were going to testify now. Well, this is what you were told.

The trees looking down on you felt like audience, shaming you down for your undid betrayal as if the stares from the cadets all around you wasn't enough.

You let out a sigh from exhaustion, which was met by gentle taps on your hands, tied behind your back. You could see from your peripheral view, the tall physique of the said man, Alrik, telling you it's alright. You're alright.

As you approached the setup, which was like a huge tent, where all the proceedings were supposed to be done, your stomach sank not finding Levi anywhere.

The last meeting, brief, very brief, you had with him left you unsatisfied on so many levels. You had whole heartedly, honestly confessed you would never once think of betraying Paradise.
Paradise where your whole heart, your soul resides, where he resides.

The only response you got from him was a soft smile.

Followed by a nod, and a knock on the door where a man standing took him away and he left and didn't turned back not even once.

No words from him. He just left leaving you without a sense of reality.

Now when you're walking towards the trial with no trace of him, your suspicious of turning insane, of hallucinating him was getting stronger and stronger with each second.

The hope you've had tightly bundled inside your fists, since your childhood, slipped and slipped like sand.

What was everything for when you would end up here as a betrayer?

"I believe you."

The words seeped into your throbbing pain, making you look around you, thinking again you are hallucinating.

"I wasn't in the right mind back then. I needed to think of a way to get you out, to keep you safe so I shattered under the stress." This time you perceived the voice, Alrik, you slightly looked back to find there was only two of you walking now. The other soldiers were sent by Alrik while you zoned out.

"I believe you, Eevee and I will make sure you get out of this." The words registered into your mind slowly and before you could react, you were at the entrance of the trial room.

Various soldiers emerged and took the charge to take you forward leaving behind Alrik, making you look back at him, confused, only for him to nod at you.

And you could read him, like you always did. It will be alright, you will be alright, it said.

As you walked further, the weight of uncertainty bore you down. The feeling of being an alien among people weighted on your head. You underestimated the strength Alrik's presence had just a few seconds ago.

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