Chapter Four

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[Author : I've mentioned it before, I would change some details, information, scenes of the original series, just a reminder.]


You wanted to throw up.

Even a bucket would work now. You wanted to throw up.

And the reason? You didn't know if it was because of the intoxication given to you or because of the person infront of you.

The person who meant the world to you.
The person who was with you every step.
The person who fought everyone for you.
The same person looking at you like you were his enemy.

Your best friend. Alrik.

"I didn't do it." You sucked in a breath, the air feeling like poison into your lungs. Your head hurts like hell, your eyes sting, your stomach burning.

And you couldn't meet his eyes.

You couldn't. You couldn't look into his ice cold eyes which were once warm, so warm, like sunlight, the colour of warmth.

You have been staring at the grey floor for what feels like eternity. You have no idea if you were blinking. All you could feel is the sting in your eyes.

The plate of food sitting on a table, the only table in the room, far beside you, with a glass of water. You didn't even looked at it properly.

What he told you, or accused you of, sucked the life out of your body. Or was it the part where he called you a traitor.

The word short circuiting your mind.
It wouldn't have been like this. You wouldn't have reacted like this. It was like this because he was the one accusing you. Because of the venom in his mouth when he uttered those words to you.

You didn't do it. It was right, you didn't.
You would never think of doing it.

You never sent those letters. It wasn't you. The letter which contained the information, location of a different city, of a city you have never been to. Of a city you have only heard of.

Bryxton city, the city you've only heard of.

"You could've got us all killed. Is it what you wanted?"

"You must have loved the new place too much isn't it?"

"How could you?


This was yesterday.

A new day today and your head doesn't work.

The words keep revolving around your mind. You never thought words could weight so much. So much as if it feels like to be under the debris of the broken building. As if you're drowning in an ocean.

You've been in and out of consciousness
for what feel like for a millionth time now. Most of the time no one was in the room, and some times there were.

Your arms and legs which were once tied to the chair were free now. There was a single rope, tied you to the chair. The handcuffs out. The bruise on your face, bandaged.

The dizziness in your head went down to a good level. You could now make sense of the room, you could now feel your own body, which was an impossible task few moments ago. You could make sense of a lot of things except your emotions.

Your mind wasn't working properly at the said department but what you could conclude was there was a misunderstanding. But the bad part was you didn't know how to clear it. Your mind is not working. Not at all.

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