Chapter 4

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The two girls swam towards Mako and they arrived in no time. When Emma resurfaced in the blue glow of the moon pool, Rikki was already there, one pace ahead of her.
"I won, again"- she bragged arrogantly, but with such a cute smile that it was obvious she was only teasing.
"Only because I let you"- countered Emma teasingly.
"We both know that's not true"- said Rikki, but as a reply she only got a splash in the face from Emma. They playfully started splashing each other, but soon tired since they both had a long week.
"Let's dry off and go for a walk"-suggested Emma.
Rikki sped up the process with a little help of her powers and soon they were off exploring the lush green jungle that Mako is. They gathered a couple of berries and wondered around absentmindedly for a while. Once they felt exhausted they went back to the moon pool. They sat at the side and chatted like they normally would but there was a strange feeling, Emma just couldn't quite figure out what it was.
Rikki started talking about Zane and this left a bitter taste in Emma's mouth. She couldn't help not being jealous.
"...and you know, every time we kiss, it's like nothing extra. I don't know how to explain it but I just thought it would be better by now. It's not that movie feeling that I felt in the begging. And every tiny thing he does just annoys the crap out of me. Honestly it's so good that we came here today, at least I don't have to deal with him...."- Rikki was blabbing for ages and Emma wanted to help really, she did but this was hurting her. She decided to zone out instead. Wait. Hang on a second. Did she just say that Zane annoys the crap out of her? Could this mean...? Breakup? The friend group will finally be rid of Zane.
"Mhm, I get it"- murmured Emma absentmindedly.
"What about you?"- asked Rikki.
"What about me?"- what was she getting at. Maybe Emma should have paid a little more attention.
"What does it feel like when you kiss someone?"- Rikki's tone was neutral. Oh no let's not go there. Emma was starting to feel a little warm. Why, why, why?
"Uhm... I mean, it's nothing special. I've only kissed a couple of boys and I didn't really feel anything."- Emma was begging to feel  a bit too vulnerable for her liking. Why on earth was she having this conversation with her crush?
"Why do you think you didn't feel anything?"- asked Rikki.
"Well... maybe because I didn't like them... Or maybe... because they were... boys."- oh god she said it, she finally told someone. Here goes nothing...
"Am I not-boy enough for you?"- Rikki asked with a grin.
Was this a joke? Was Rikki joking? But then Emma looked into her eyes and she had a slight suspicion that she might not be joking.

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