'let me make it up yo you' Billie's pov

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Billies pov:

I'm sitting in that car thinking. More like overthinking. I hope she really does forgive me. I tried my hardest to get Brianna off me but I felt weak. I feel better now. Especially knowing Kiris with me. I starting to think and then I remember the plan I had after the party. While I was away Kiri and I texted as much as we could. I vividly remember all the spicy shit we said and what I was gonna do when I get back. As I was thinking I couldn't help but smirk and look at Kiri.

Fuck her side profile is amazing. Everything about her is beautiful. My thought process was interrupted but Kiri talking to me.
"What's wrong baby," she asked
"Let me make it up to you, for, well you know," I said, my smile grew wide.
" Baby, it wasn't your fault, I forgive you," Kiri replied looking back at the road.

We were only about 10 minutes away from my house. I placed my hand on her thigh slowly going higher. I saw her get nervous. I leaned over the center console and go to Kiris neck.
"Come on kitten, please," I said.
I know she love it when I'm a soft dom. "Ok princess, when we get home,ok?" Kiri replied trying to hold her composure but I saw how turned on she was.

She swallowed hard and started to push her thighs together. I was still breathing on her neck. She let out a small gasped as I started to suck lightlyon her neck, leaving small hickey's. Kiris breathing started to speed up she let out a small moan having me smile against her neck and i sat back up straight and looked at the road keeping my hand directly next to her heat. Can't wait til we get home. I'll have her screaming. I had Kiri the keys to unlock the house and push her in instantly. I kissed her soft lips and kicked the door closed. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She opened her mouth slightly but I jammed my tongue in. She let out a small moan. Music to my ears. Our tongues began to fight for dominance.
"Jump," Kiri whispered in my ear.

I jump and instantly wrap my legs around her waist and slowly start to grind on her hips. Kiri put her hands under my ass giving it a light squeeze. I couldn't help but let out a small moan. Kiri lightly sat down on my bed. I roughly push her down on the bed. I start to slowly grind on Kiri. She grabs my hips and pushes me down. I break the kiss and start to kiss her jaw slowly. I start to head to her neck. I put my knee in between Kiris legs, shepushes her legs slightly closed around my knee.
" None of that princess," I whisper in her ear.

I slowly start to move my knee against her heat. She let out a small breathy moan.
"Fuck," she whispers.

Fuck I love her so much. I start to suck on Kiris neck leaving little hickeys. I finally find her sweet spot. She let out a small whimper letting me know I found it. I start to aggressively suck on her neck, leaving a dark hickey. I stop suckinv on her neck and pull my shirt off, Kiri does the same. I instantly goes straight to her nipples, sucking one and playing with the other. She let out a small moan, it was incourageing me to go harder. I start to fidget with the waist line of Kiri pants. I love teasing her "Please," Kiri said
"Please what princess," I replied.

I sat up on my thighs and starts to slide my hands up and down her sides. She squirms impatiently. Stop teasing," she said in a slight moan
"What do you want me to do kitten, I'll listen," I said smirking.
" Fuck me already, please baby,please," she said.
"If you say so, my love," I said, I slowly started sliding her pants down along with her laced thong.

I placed myself between her legs. "Your so wet baby," i said before doing a bold lick from her entrance to her clit. She let out a loud moan. Music to my ears
"Only for you," she replied.

I rapped my lips on her clit and starting sucking, slowly.
"Fuck,just like that princess" she moaned.
I starting sucking faster. Kiri tried to close het legs but I kept them open. "No,no, princess none of that, keep them open or I'll force them to stay open. I said then instantly went back to what i was doing. She tasted so sweet I missed her taste. She let out a slow moan. I wanted her screaming so I jammed 2 fingers inside of her, pumping in and out qt a steady pace. Her juices coated my fingers

Kiri arched her back allowing me to go deeper.
"Fuck,Billie,ugh," she moaned.

I was staring straight at Kiri,with a smirk on my face. She bit her lip,fuck I love her so much. I leaned over her, I came up for a kiss, she opened her mouth giving me direct access. Our tongues started twirling around each other. I brought my other hand to her chest. I slowly started twirling my finger around her bare nipple. I stopped and sat up straight. I looked down at the perfect whimpering mess beneath me "My perfect angel look at how needy you are for my touch," I said, biting my lip.

I start to speed up my pace. She moaned loudly. Moans filled the room. I jammed my gingers in farther.
" Holy fuck, shit, just like that princess, fuck," said Kiri, her back was arched and her eyes were rolled back.

I curled my fingers up going in circles. I pumped in and out fast. Kiri started to cry in pleasure, her legs started to shake uncontrollably. I knew she was getting close.
"Billie, Im gonna cum," she moaned "Hold it kitten," I replied going faster "Fuck, I can't, " she replied,her back arched, she moaned and screamed in pure pleasure,
" Ok princess you can now," I said.

She let out a loud moan. I pulled my fingers out and replaced it with my tongue. She came in my mouth. She tasted so sweet.
" Fuck," she was a moaning mess.

I licked her up and instantly smashed my lips against her, putting my tongue on hers, letting het taste herself. I stared into her eyes as I put the 2 fingers that were in her in my mouth sucking her juices off. I then got off. I took my pants off and layed next to Kiri. Both of us were completely naked. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close. Fuck I love her so much. Kiri intertwined our legs and I put a blanket over us. I layed my head in between Kiris bare breasts.
" I love you baby " I said
" I love you more," Kiri said.

I love her to death. I can wait to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman. Little snores came from Kiris mouth. I was so happy to be back with her. I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:38 pm. I'll make dinner in an hour. I squeezed Kiri gently.

"I love you so much baby," I whispered kissing her neck, then I drifted off to sleep.

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