' the mall'

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Kiris pov:

     As Alexis was driving I wanted to tease Billie. Billie and I were in the backseat and Billie had her legs over my lap. I was rubbing her thigh but then started to go up. Billie stares at me, the shocked and hungry look in her eyes only fueled me more. I stared straight at her as I started to rub circles on her clothed heat. She bit her lip and threw her head back staring up trying not to make a sound. I decided to lay down on the seat as well making sure Alexis couldn't see our face. She wasn't paying attention to us since she had music blaring. Billie stared at me with her beautiful kneedy eyes.
" I love that I have this power over you kitten," I whisper in her ear and started to press harder on her clit still making slow circles.
" Stop," said Billie, her voice was breathy, she was trying to stay quiet. I just smirked at her.
" I told you, you were gonna pay for what you did earlier, didn't I, " I asked slowly picking up the pace.

     Suddenly Alexis slapped my knee.
" Hey, you 2 wake the fuck up we are here," she said slapping my knee again before getting out of the car.
"I guess she thought we were asleep," I chuckled
"nope I'm awake," said Billie. I climbed on Billie giving her a quick kiss before opening the door to get out. We started to walk up the parking lot to get to the building.
" Your an ass," said Billie
" I know," I said before slapping her ass. I just laughed and ran in to the building. " You little shit," said Billie chasing after me. I made it into the mall before a pair if arms wrapped around my waist picking me up.
" Don't run from me," Billie said. I just laughed as she kissed my neck a few times before Alexis caught up to us.
" you bitches are dumb, sometimes I'm glad we go to different schools cause your ass be embarrassing sometimes," Alexis said to me laughing
" how dare you," I said fake offended. We were laughing our asses off.

     We finally calmed down and starting walking around, going in and out of stores.
" Oh my god, look and that," said Alexis looking at a pair of expensive ass shoes. " Girl, I ain't going in there, I don't got that type of money," I said
"Well I'm going in here so, you guys can go into other stores , I'll call you once I'm done" said Alexis walking into the store.
" Whatever, " I laughed.

      Billie and I started walking, when we saw Hot Topic and went inside. I was looking at these cute ass jeans when Billie tapped my shoulder. She doesn't normally do that unless she wants something. I turn around and see her holding a choker. I had small spikes and a circle ring hanging from it.
"Can I get this babe," she said, there was this sexual look in her eye.
"Sure baby," I said
" lemme try on these jeans first, you got anything you want to try on," I ask since I saw her other hand holding a hanger.
"Ya, just this skirt," she said, god she's so adorable.

       We got a changing room, we used the same one so it was easier. I was putting on a pair of trip jeans with belts hanging between my legs. They were so fucking dope. I turned around and saw Billie wearing a black skirt with a few chains on it and the choker she wanted. Holy shit, she looks so fuckable right now. I saw that look in her eye, she was do this on purpose, I put my finger through the loop on the choker and pulled in so she was face to face with me.
" Princess, stop acting like this, or I might have to bend you over right here right now, I said whispering in her ear to make sure no one else heard.
Billie just bit her lip and looked at me.
" Ok then, do it," she said, I took my hand off her choker and turned her around.

    I knew we where in public, so all I did was bend her over and slapped her ass one good time. I gripped her hair so I could whisper in her ear.
" be a good slut for me when we get home, ok?" I asked.

     Billie looked at me and nodded her head. I told her to get dressed so we could pay and go home. As I was waiting in line to pay, Alexis called.
"Hey, meet me at the car. We got to go. My boyfriend wants to go out tonight and I want to get ready" she said
" ok we are checking out now, be right there," I said before hanging up. I paid for our stuff and we headed to the car.
" did you like my outfit, " Billie asked as we exited the mall
" I did like it. You looked hot, but I like what's under them better," I said smirking.
Billies face turned red as we got to the car.
" Let's go bitches, sorry our day was cut short," said Alexis getting in the car.
" It's ok we understand" said Billie laying her head in my lap as Alexis started driving.

      On our way back to Billies house we talked about random shit and jammed out to some music. We finally pulled up to Billies house. Billie and I climbed out of the car. I hugged Alexis through the window and started to walk into the house.
"Don't forget what I said princess," I whispered against her neck, and unlocked the door.
" I didn't," said Billie closing the door.

A/N: mann, idk what to write at this point. I'm just adding some smut shit rn. I have somethings in mind fo the future. I already have another stories planned called, 'My Mommy's Mafia' dead ass i think all of my stories are gonna involve Billie. This one I just used the name. I don't think anyone's even reading this shit but tell me what yall think.

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