'the alley way' ( switch POV's)

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Billies POV:
      Kiri and I walked into school. Like any normal day at this stupid high school there the kids smoking, selling dope, and making out against the lockers. I just hope today goes well. Normally Sabrina starts shit but she's still not back yet, but the shit that happened at the park could start shit to.

       First period Kiri and I don't have together. I have a business class while Kiri has choir. Fuck she has a beautiful voice. Since Kiri doesn't need anything from her locker we head to my locker. People are already staring. The worst thing about high school is that drama travels fast. At least schools almost over.

      I get to my locker while Kiris behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Baby, come on let's go get breakfast," said Kiri in my ear.
Her warm breath on my neck gave my body instant goosebumps.
"Ok love," I said shutting my locker and turning around. Kiri took my hand.

      Very few people mess with Kiri. She's gotten into a few fights through high-school. Although when they called her dad and she went home it didn't end well. The only people who like to test her are Sabrina and Brianna. Speaking of Brianna she started to walk up to Kiri and I. I have a feeling this is not gonna end well.
"Hi Billie, Im glad you finally told me how much you loved me on Friday," she said as she started to touch my shoulder.
"Get the fuck off me, " I said as I shoved her away from me, she fell on the floor. "Come on Kiri let's go," I said taking Kiris hand and walking away.
"Kiri watch out, Billies mine and I will get her," shouted Brianna from behind us.
"Sure, in your dreams bitch," said Kiri flipping her off as she continued to walk.

      We made it to the Cafe. As much of a shifty school this is they do have pretty decent food. Kiri and I walked up and grabbed our donuts and when to the vending machines and got some Starbucks double shots. We ate on the stage stairs. I leaned my head on Kiris shoulder as I ate my donuts. As Kiri finished her coffee the 5 minute bell rang.
"Ok baby, I got to go watch out for Brianna please lemme know if anything happens and I'll beat her ass for you ok," Kiri said kissing my forehead.
"Ok but you can't get in another fight I don't want your dad to hurt you," I said holding her hand as we walked out.
"It's ok love," she said as we separated and headed to our classes.
Time skip.

      It's the end of school we are at our lockers. Brianna has left us alone for the most part. After 6th period she did tell Kiri she'll see her after school. Kiri promises she wouldnt hit her while we were at school. Kiri walks home, I try to give her a ride but she doesn't want me to, she doesn't like me at her house. I understand tho she doesn't want her dad to do anything. We walked into the parking lot. I hope nothing happens.
Kiris POV:

     I started walking down the alley way. The schools only 2 miles from my house. Plus I now shortcuts to get there faster. I put on of my earbuds in and turn on some low music as I walked. I felt something hit me ithe back of the head. A rock? I took out my ear bud and put in in my pocket and turn around. Of course, the bitch herself.
"The fuck is your problem," I said
"Stay away from Billie she's mine," she said getting I'm my face.
"1. You can't own people, 2. She's my girlfriend and 3. If I were you I would get the fuck out of my face," I spat.
      This bitch really pushed me on the ground. I stood up quick as he'll I threw my bag and jump on the bitch. Her head it the rocks. She was screaming. I started punching the shit out of her. Her face was scraped from the rocks. She grabs my chains and throws me off her. She got on top of me and punched my face. I tasted blood. I've been in a few fights so I know what I'm doing. I threw her on her back and kicked her side. She grabs my leg and trips me. I fell on her. This bitch should learn to not mess with me. I put my knee on her chest and pushed down. I started punching her face. By the time she got me off of her, her lip was busted, her nose was bleeding, and her eye was swollen.
     She got up and ram the other direction.
"Like I said don't test me bitch, you touch Billie again it will be worse," I shouted.
       I pulled out my phone and saw all I had was a busted lip, my knuckles were bleeding, a d my knees where a bit scrapped up. I pulled out my water bottle and a tissue and cleaned up my lip, and started walking back home. Ok I fought a bitch in the alley and I got to hope I don't get into a fight with the one at home. 

A/N: I had to add a good chapter. Add a like fight. Yk. Anyways hope yall like it so far.♡♡


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