' rounds 2 & 3' (Billie's POV)

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Billies pov.

       Kiris in the closet. There's a part of me that's excited but also scared. We haven't used the strap a lot so idk what it's like. Kiri did buy a new one recently that we haven't used. I hope it's not that one. Kiri walks out in just a shirt and the strap. She looks so hot rn I could have an orgasm looking at her.

"You gonna listen next time princess," Kiri said leaning over me.
She started to kiss my neck.
"Mmm, maybe, I kinda like seeing you like this is sexy," I said biting my lip, she finds my sweet spot.

    I let out a small whimper. I couldn't help it. She starts to suck hard on my neck. I knew I was gonna have hickeys after this.
"Baby," I whisper breath less in her ear.

     I wrap my arms around her neck pulling her closer. I kiss her hungrily, she starts to slide her tongue in my mouth. I open wider giving her full access. I feel Kiris cold hand grab my right breast massaging it. Fuck me already please. Unexpectedly I feel Kiri jam the 10 inch strap in me. Holy shit. I arch my back. My moans filled the room. I felt like I was on cloud 9.
"Fuck me," I scream
"I am kitten," says Kiri giggling.
   I never took 10 inches. There was a mix of pain and pleasure.
"Are you gonna listen now baby," said Kiri
"Fuck it feels so good," I say 
"answer me," said Kiri in a sexy harsh tone.
   She put her hands around my waist, holding on tightly and trusted in me. I screamed out if pure bliss.
"Fuck, if not listening makes me feel like this, I'm gonna be a bad girl," I said. Kiri was pulling in and out of my throbbed pussy.
"Mmm ,you dirty slut," Kiri growled. Fuck that turned me on. Kiri started to slam into me. The room was filled with my screams. My eyes were rolled into the back of my head.
"Fuck, babyyy," I moaned.

       I heard a buzzing noise and before I could look down. I felt a vibrater on my clit. My body started jolting. I was becoming overstimulated.
"Ple-please, ugh, I can-can't take i-it," I arched my back.

      I tried to push my legs together my Kiris hips blocked me. I looked down biting my lip trying to contain my moans. I watch as Kiri pounds in me. She held eye contact with me. I felt another orgasm rising.
"Babyy i'm cl-close," I moaned out.

     I arched my back as my body shook. I released. I felt Kiri turn off the vibrater and place it next to me.
" Baby did I say you could cum," Kiri said.
"No, but I couldn't hold it," I said biting my lip. Kiri still was rocking her hips pushing the dildo in and out of me.  "Turn over princess, can you take one more round, " Kiri asked pulling out.

   I stared at her. I slowly nodded flipping over putting my ass in the air. I'm probably gonna  regret this.
"Such a pretty baby," said Kiri she starting to caress my sides.
I felt her align her self with my dripping hole. All I felt was Kiri jamming it I'm me. She was pounding in and out if me. I was screaming. I looked underneath me and saw what she was doing to me.
" Fuck, fuck, god damn, baby, ugh," I couldn't breath.

    I started to cry out of pleasure. Kiri grabbed my hair lifting my head back. I felt her kiss my neck. I couldn't hold back my moans. The whole house echoed of my moans and screams.
" Kiriii, i-m gon-na c-u-mmm " I scream.

      She let's go of my hair slamming my head down on the pillow. She placed both of her hands on the hips going faster than before. I screamed as I cumed. I shoot out on Kiris stomach. I've never done that before. Kiri pulled out taking of the stars and crawled in bed next to me. She started lightly sucking my neck as she ricked my hips. I could hardly breath. My legs shook like crazy. My pussy throbbed after Kiri destroyed me.
"Everyone will know know I own you," said Kiri against my neck; her words gave me goosebumps.
" Ba-baby," I stumbled over my words.
" yes baby," she said looking into my eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful.
"Yo-u ha-ve al-ways ow-ned me-e," I said. I could barely speak after what she did.
"I love you Billie," she said as she kissed my lips.
"I love you to Kiri," I said. Kiri and I cuddled.

    She makes my feel so good, so loved, so safe. I don't know what u would do without her.

A/N: Bro. I, no words

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