Chapter One

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His lips ghosted over my neck, leaving small kisses here and there. Love bites decorated my neck, collar bone, and chest. His hands lightly trailed up and down my sides as I took shallow breaths. His lips met mine in another loving kiss, our tongues dancing together, our lips moving in sync. He pulled away and looked down at me with silver eyes full of desire. His hands moved down to the buckle of my pants...

"Atsushi! Quit daydreaming and get back to work!"

I was pulled back into the present time by the sound of my boss's voice. He was glaring at me from his seat at his desk. I nodded quickly before getting up from my desk and excusing myself to go to the restroom. There were two doors in the room we worked in. One led outside, and one led into a hallway. The hallway held six other doors. Two were storage closets for files, supplies, and other things we might need. One was a meeting room, one was a lounge that was constantly used by two of our members that didn't like to do work and our boss was too tired to deal with them. Another room was a closet we hung our coats up in, and the last one was the bathroom.

I walked in and locked the door behind me before approaching the sink. I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face before leaning against the basin that was draining the water just as fast as it was being deposited. I looked into the mirror and sighed in defeat at the person staring back at me.

It was at this moment that the memories from that night came flooding back. The gentle touches, sweet nothings, the breath on my neck, soft hands, even softer lips, pale eyes, porcelain skin, dark hair.

I groaned and splashed some more water on my face. Why can't I get him out of my head? It didn't mean anything so why am I constantly thinking about it? I mean, sure that was the night I lost my virginity, but he probably didn't care. I felt a tear slip from my eye. My first time was with a stranger that was drunk and was only looking for a good time.

"Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid." I muttered to myself. Of course he doesn't care. It was just a fling. A one night stand. A moment that I will never be able to take back. But, if he didn't care, then why was he so gentle? Why did he make sure I was comfortable? Why did he tell me to stop him if I didn't want it? All these why's shifted through my mind as someone knocked on the door causing me to jump.

"J-just a minute." I hollered before turning off the water and wiped my face off with a paper towel. With one last look in the mirror, I exited the bathroom, only to be shoved back inside and accompanied by a short ginger haired male.

Once the door was locked, he looked at me with a sigh. "I swear, I am going to kill that suicidal maniac one of these days."

"But won't that be giving him what he wants?" I asked.

"I never said I was going to make it quick." He justified himself, causing me to laugh. "So, what were you doing in here? Actually don't tell me. You were thinking about him again weren't you?"

I opened my mouth to deny it but upon the look he gave me, shut it again and offered him a defeated nod. I couldn't lie to Chuuya, not because he was hard to lie too, but because he could see right through any lie I threw at him. He was good like that and immediately knew when someone was lying.

"I thought so. Atsushi, you can't keep thinking about him. It is affecting your performance and not letting you work at your full capacity." Chuuya said.

"I know that, but-"

"Then let it go. I'm not trying to say that that night didn't mean anything to you, but there is nothing you can do about it now." He exclaimed.

"I know." I nodded. I stepped back and leaned against the wall, my hands running through my hair. We stood in silence for a minute or two before Chuuyaa spoke again.

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