Chapter Two

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It has been three hours since Chuuya and I opened that first bottle of wine. SInce then we have downed two more full bottles. I had at least one glass from each bottle, allowing Chuuya to have as much as he liked. Not like I could tell him differently because he would have finished them either way.

He was drunk, but not so much as to not form incoherent sentences. Although they were slurred and slow, I could still understand what he was saying. He was laughing about something he had said, as I watched and smiled at his kid-like behavior.

I got up and stretched before taking the empty bottles and the two glasses back to the kitchen. I rinsed out the cups before setting the upside down in the sink. Then, I rinsed out the empty wine bottles and put them in a cupboard in the hallway. Chuuya has always kept his wine bottles and I never knew why. I just guessed that it was a hobby of his.

I walked back into the living room and sighed when I found Chuuya was now passed out. Carefully, I picked up the older male with ease, thanks to my ability, and took him to his room. I lay him on the bed and draped a small blanket over his body before locating a pen and a piece of paper.

I wrote a quick note before setting it on his nightstand. In his bathroom, I located the medicine and a glass he used when he got up at night, and filled it with water. I set them both on his nightstand next to the note before leaving his apartment, making sure that it was locked.

After descending the stairs and making it to the sidewalk, I began the walk back to my own apartment. I was currently 5 in the afternoon and the sun was starting to go down. I breathed in the chilly, early spring air as I made my way through the streets and people.


I turned around and looked for the source of the voice but found none. Cautiously, I continued walking.

"I want you..."

Again, I turned around and looked for the owner of the voice, but was only greeted with a few strange looks.

"Tell me if you want me to stop..."

With a deep breath, I found an alleyway and walked down it, thankful that it turned off to the left for a ways and ended in a dead end so that I wouldn't have people staring at me as they walked past.

"I love your voice, let me hear it..."

I leaned up against the wall and grabbed my head as I slowly slid to the ground. The voice got a little louder, filling my head as I tried to stop it. Did I want it to stop?

"I am going to make you feel more pleasure than you've ever felt before..."

I groaned as those words echoed through my mind. It has been a week since we slept together and I was still being plagued by his words. Touches. Kisses. Everything.

"Don't worry, the pain will stop in a moment..."

"Tell me when to move..."

"Wait for me..."

"That was amazing..."

"Are you okay?"

"Let me help you clean up, then you can rest..."

I loved the concerned tone that was laced in his husky voice. His voice was soothing, calming. He made me feel wanted and loved. I know it was only a one night stand and nothing more, but a part of me wishes it was more than that. I wanted to feel that feeling again. I wanted those gentle touches and chaste kisses.

"Ryunosuke Akutagawa." I muttered his name out loud, revelling in the way it sounded rolling off my tongue.

When my heart rate slowed down, and I was certain that I could make it home without drawing any more attention to myself, I left the alleyway and crossed the street, thanking whatever magical being there was that I wasn't too much further from the apartment I called home.

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