Chapter Eleven

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It's been two weeks since we went on that date. I smiled at the memory before glancing at the clock on my nightstand.

It's 8:42 in the morning.

I sighed and rolled over. Why do I wake up so early on the weekends and almost not early enough on the days when I have to work?

I closed my eyes and urged myself to go back to sleep but it was no use. I groaned in frustration as I sent a glare at the innocent hanging curtains covering the window. Giving up on sleep I decided that I should get up and go feed Milo.

I finished filling his bowl and went back to the front room, my head in my hands as a headache started. I leaned back, my head resting against the back of the couch.

Should I get some medicine? Try and go back to sleep and hope it goes away?

As I have this mental debate, I hear a crash in the kitchen. I jump up and go see what happened to find that Milo had somehow gotten onto the cabinet and knocked off some of the glasses I had washed the night before and neglected to put up.

There was glass everywhere and my headache has worsened.

Taking a deep breath, I approach the cat who coward in the corner due to the noise, and carried him to the bedroom. Next, I begin cleaning up the glass.

My hope to avoid getting cut failed and I got out of that scenario with three new scrapes on my hands.

"What a perfect way to start a Saturday morning." I mutter as I go to the bathroom to take care of my minor injuries.

I had just finished and was putting things away when someone knocked on the door.

"Next thing you know, I'm being tied up and thrown into the back of some strangers truck."

I open the door and my dual colored eyes meet a pair of silver ones.

I let out a relived breath.

He laughs.

"Rough morning?"

"You have no idea. At this point it wouldn't surprise me if I got struck by lighting on a cloudless day." Hr laughs even more as he walks by me, gently taking my hand in his.

"Okay then how about we just relax today." He suggests while pulling me down on the couch with him.

I nod in agreement as he lays on his back and I position myself between his legs, laying my head on his stomach, my hands loosely hanging onto the hem of his shirt. He pulls the blanket off the back of the couch and throws it over us before slowly running his fingers through my hair.

I hum happily as he continues his smooth actions. I close my eyes.

"Mind telling me how you got those scratches on your hands?"

"Milo pushed a couple glasses off the counter." I mumble as I feel myself drifting back into the sleep I yearned for earlier this morning.


I open my eyes for the second time that day. I blinked away the sleep before focusing on the black fabric under me. I gently clutched it before furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. Then I remembered that Ryu had come over earlier and I fell asleep on him.

I shifted a bit before settling back down between his legs, my head still on his stomach. His gentle breathing made my head rise and fall. Mindlessly, I began messing with the seam of his pants that ran along his inner thigh.

I felt him shiver lightly under my touch and I giggled before looking up at him. He was trying to keep himself distracted with something on his phone.

"You look entertained." I joked lightly as his eyes shifted down to me.

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