Chapter Nine

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I woke up the next morning with the sound of something scratching on the door. I sat up and looked towards the door with a sigh and a small smile.

"Oh come on Milo, it's too early for breakfast." I chuckled. He sat by the door and stared at me.

"Fine, I'll get up." I sat up and stretched before climbing out of bed. I opened the bedroom door and watched as the small kitten raced down the hallway and into the kitchen.

I pulled out the bag of cat food and put some in his bowl before pulling out a glass and filled it with water and dumped it in his other bowl. He began to eat as fast as he could causing me to shake my head with a smile.

A knock sounded from the other room, causing me to jump. I took a deep breath to calm myself as the person knocked again.

I walked to the door and unlocked it before I was shoved out of the way by a red haired male and a brunette covered in bandages. I just started at the two in slight bewilderment but, at the same time, not surprised at all. The two were bickering over something beyond my understanding and I could do nothing but watch as they yelled at each other.

Eventually, I walked back into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee and find something for breakfast. I was pulling out a cup and the stuff to make coffee when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, making me tense up.

"Goodmorning Atsu." The voice greeted. I relaxed once I figured out who it was and turned to look into the eyes of a black haired male.

"Question, do you have any idea what those two are arguing about?"

"Do I look like someone who shares a braincell with those two?" He asked with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Good point." I replied before looking back at the two males in my apartment.

As they continued arguing, I tugged on Akutagawa's sleeve and led him into the kitchen. As I walked towards the fridge, I felt little needle-like objects attacking the bottom of my pants. I looked down and found Milo attacking the loose string at the bottom.

"Hey there." I giggled and picked him up.

Akutagawa just stared at the kitten. "So this is the little guy you are telling me about."

"Yep, his name is Milo." I named before holding him out for Ryu to hold him.

He took him into his arms and rubbed him under the chin. I smiled as I watched their interaction before I gasped in realization.

"Ryu, he kind of looks like you!" I exclaimed.

Ryu looked down at the cat before laughing. "Why is that the first thing your think of when I hold him? Is that the real reason why you choose him?" As he spoke, Milo jumped out of his arms and raced out of the room.

"No, I just thought he was cute." I shrugged.

"Oh, so you think I'm cute?" He smirked as he stepped towards me.

"No, that's not what I meant, I meant that-"

"You meant what Atsu?" He asked as he stepped forward again. I stepped back and found myself trapped in between the cabinet and him.

"I-I only meant that the kitten was cute when I saw him." I stuttered before coming up with a comeback. "Besides, I wouldn't call you cute anyway." I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest with a smirk of my own.

"Oh really? Then what would you call me?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." I replied.

"How about I get it out of you."

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