Chapter Twenty-One

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(Akutagawa POV)

Slowly, gradually, the feelings of light hands and soft touches register in my mind. Small incoherent murmurs fill the otherwise quiet room.

My eyes open, immediately spotting the soft expression of my light haired love. His small hand is fidgeting slightly in mine, his lips moving subtly while he sleeps, an occasional snore leaving him that makes me breathe out a soft laugh.

Without disturbing him, I climb out of bed and leave the room, fix myself up in the bathroom, and then go to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. When it's finished, I take a sip of the dark substance and step out the front door, looking out towards the Port Mafia building, the top few floor barely visible where I stand.

A while later, as I watch the sun rise and cast an orange glow over the city, the soft padding of bare feet grabs my attention. I partially turn to find a still sleepy Atsushi rubbing his eye and approaching me.

"Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?" I ask, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he does the same around my torso. He nods against me as his eyes close again.

"You didn't have to get up now. You still have some time to sleep before it's time to go to work." I tell him, keeping my voice low to keep from startling him.

"I know." He whispers, his voice barely coming through with its lack of use throughout the night. Rubbing his arm, I kiss his head as his eyes open, their purple hue taking over the yellow as they fall on the cup in my hand. Pulling away slightly, he stretches up to peek inside, only to grimace and hide away in my shoulder. "How do you drink that stuff without creamer?"

"Who knows, but at least I know you won't take it this way." I chuckle.

He shrugs. "I can take other stuff, so it's okay." His voice finally raises to a low volume, no longer a whisper.

I feign an offended gasp. "How dare you."

"Shush." He raises a finger to his lips for a brief moment before placing it back in its spot. "I'm sleeping."

I smile at his childish notion before poking his ribs, making him squirm and squeal in shock, glaring playfully into my eyes before crossing his arms over his chest and walking back inside.

"Aww, baby, did I make you mad?" I ask, changing my voice to sound like I'm talking to a child instead of an adult.

He sticks his nose up and ignores me, the ghost of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.

"Atsushi." I draw his name out longer than I need to.

He continues to avoid my gaze as his eyes stay firmly fixed on the cabinets in front of him.

I sigh and set my cup down before walking around behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He tenses up, obviously holding back his laughter.

"Look at me, please." I beg softly, receiving a shake of his head for an answer.

Sighing in defeat, I hang my head and start to walk away when he laughs.

"No." He exclaims childishly, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into him, wrapping his arms around me so I can't move back. "Don't leave me."

I laugh and hug him back, squeezing his shoulders. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

I could feel him smile against my chest before he stood at his full height, nearly looking straight into my eyes.

"I've gotta get ready for work." He states suddenly, catching me off guard, leaving me with nothing to say as he walks out of the room.

After a minute, I laughed softly to myself, unable to keep myself contained when he goofy like this. He's adorable, and anyone who wants to argue would have to scrape up a ton of nonexistent evidence to back them up.

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