Chapter Thirteen

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Four months, 2 weeks, and 6 days. That's how long we've been dating and hardly any complications have arose. He moved in with me so his sister could have her own place and we could be closer.

Right now, I am laying in bed as Ryu is getting dressed for work. He pulls on his shirt and collects his coat before sitting on the edge of the bed.

With a lazy hand running through my hair, I smile and brush my free hand against the side of his thigh.

With a smile and a shake of his head, he leans back and gives me a soft kiss before stroking my cheek affectionately with his thumb.

"Love you, go back to sleep." He whispers.

"Love you too, stay safe." I whisper back as my eyes start drifting closed once again.

His weight leaves the bed and I hardly hear the door close and his voice ushering Milo out of the room.


I am woken up by my phone ringing. Groaning, I check the callers ID and smile tiredly at the screen.

"Heyo Ryu."

"Did I wake you, love?"

A hum is given as a response.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd be this tired after last night." He apologizes.

I giggle softly. "Don't worry about it, I should've asked to stop earlier. I'm surprised you aren't tired."

"I think you forget that my old job left me running on 4 hours of sleep." He replies to which I laugh. "Anyway, I was calling to let you know that I won't be home till late tonight because a huge shipment came in and we were robbed of some of the cargo. They're making me stay until we can get everything logged and file a police report."

"Okay, take your time and call me when you're on your way back." I say.

"Kay, love you."

"Love you too." I smile as he hangs up.

My arm drops back to the bed as I catch a glimpse of the time. If you ask me, it's too early.

I roll over and look out the window that was partially open and sighed. Why do mornings have to come so fast? Why can't the sun rise when I open my eyes?

I sit up and look around the room, letting myself wake up a little more before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I was finished, I walked into the living room where I was greeted by someone knocking on the door.

Sighing, I walk over and crack the door open, glancing out to see who the person was.

"Um, may I help you?" I ask the woman, not recognizing her from anywhere. She has long black hair held back by a white headband. She's wearing a light blue blouse with black jeans, and white shoes.

"Hi, um, I want to talk to you. About my brother." She says nervously.

"Oh, alright." I open the door wider. "Come in. You can make yourself at home if you want. Do you want anything to drink? Water? Tea?"

"No, I'm okay." She timidly seats herself on my couch with her hands in her lap.

I nod and sit on the opposite side of the couch.

"I really just wanted to say that I'm sorry for threatening you a while back. I didn't mean anything by it, I just didn't want to see my brother get hurt again." She explains, avoiding my gaze.

I smile softly. "That's alright, I've forgiven you already. Ryu told me about you being protective. I understand you were just looking out for him."

"I figured he did, I'm just afraid that the same thing will happen now like it did before."

I look at her, confused with her statement.

She sighs. "The last time he cared so deeply about someone, they were taken from him. I'm not meaning that they were killed, but he was in a relationship before. It was the first boy he had ever fallen for. His parents didn't approve of them so they confronted our parents and demanded that they never see each other again. They met in secret for a while until they moved. We had no warning. We didn't even know they were thinking about moving until Ryunosuke found a letter in one of his hoodie pockets explaining his absence." She took a deep breath.

"It destroyed him. He refused to leave the house, wouldn't talk to anyone and, for a while, skipped school. Then he disappeared. Like a phantom, he was gone. We didn't see or hear from him for weeks. It was our senior year. I moved out a month later. Then, a month later, someone comes knocking on my door in the middle of the night. I was scared but when I heard his voice through the door, I was relieved." She finally looks up at me.

"That time alone was hell for him. He had no place to live and was running around with some bad people. He looked like a walking corpse. I don't want to see him like that again, so please don't hurt him." Her face turns a bit softer. "I'll be honest, I like you better than the other guy, but that doesn't mean I won't threaten you if you hurt him."

I laugh softly. "You have nothing to orry bout Gin. I wouldn't dream of hurting your brother."

She offers a shy smile before standing from the couch. "Would you like to go somewhere? To apologize for threatening you. I know you've already forgiven me but I won't stop feeling guilty until I do something about it."

I laugh. "Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go eat and then hang out around the park or something and get to know each other a little bit." She pauses. "Does that sound wierd? Sorry if it does, I have a habit of not thinking before I speak and sometimes the things I say give people the wrong idea."

"No it's fine. I work with Dazai, you can't be worse than him can you?"

She laughs. "That is true. He is very carefree and doesn't care who or what is around when he speaks."

I nod. "If you'll give me a minute, I'll go change and then we can go, yeah?"

"Yeah." She smiles with a nod.

I head back to my room and pull on a pair of jeans in place of my sweat pants before meeting Gin by the front door.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Yep." I reply before following her out the door and to her car.

Once we are in and buckled, she pulls out of the parking spot and began driving to a part of town I was unfamiliar with.

"I was thinking that we could bring Chuuya along since he'd be a good ice breaker. I can see us two getting a little awkward with the silences that are sure to occur throughout the day."

I nod. "That's smart. I never would have thought about that."

"That's why boys will never be able to run the world."

I feign offense. "How dare you!"

She laughs while pulling up in front of an expensive looking house.

"Why are we here?" I question.

"Because Chuuya was visiting an old colleague when I texted and said I could pick him up here."

At that time, Chuuya walked out of the house and raced up to the car, climbing into the back.

"Good morning my favorite people!" He exclaims.

"Good morning." I greet happily while Gin rolls her eyes with a small smile.

Then we were off to a random fast food place followed by a multitude of srops afterwards, laughing, joking, and fooling around like idiots the rest of the day.

When we got back in the car at the end of the day to head home, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

I made friends with the most important person in Ryu's life.


I'M ALIVE! Lol, sorry for disappearing for so long. I couldn't think of anything to write and didn't know where I wanted this chapter to go. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read while I attempt to update a little more often than this.

See you soon!

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