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THE City of Light truthfully was a blissful sight. Everything Jaha had preached about was true, the buildings were immaculate, everywhere someone walked by with a smile on their face. Ainsley breathed it all in before she walked to stand in front of Jaha and Allie, them being the reasons for her being there.

“What can I do for you on this lovely evening,” Ainsley said, grinning maniacally. Even in the city of light she was still her partial self. It couldn't take that away from her even if she's barely remembering what made her this way.

“Your friend John Murphy is headed back to the temple to do harm,” Allie explained. “I need your help to stop him. Take Emori with you.”

The two girls stood in the temple, waiting for John. Ainsley knew he wouldn't be alone and she was just about to tell Allie that she should meet them outside, when the two grounder men they came with was shot. Pike would have shot and killed Ainsley and Emori as well, if it weren't for John stopping him at the last second.. The men had a small conversation about the secret passage, John explaining that neither girl saw them come in and that they'd need it for later.

“Thank you, Titus,” John stated to the air before he grabbed the cane that held the dropship pod's door up and headed toward the pack which held Allie.

“That's a nuclear fuel cell, John!” Emori shouted, which caused him to pause, his eyes downcast in both pain and thought. Indra questioning how they were going to destory it. Pike told them carefully, as if it was some kind of inside joke between him and John.

The chipped soldiers were banging on the doors, the door only barely holding. Pike and John were fiddling with the wires trying to destroy it without irridiating the entire city.

“You're all going to die here, John,” Emori told him.

His eyes weren't focused on her so much as they were Ainsley. The banging on the doors continued louder this time. Allie was in the background talking to Jaha, something about if she pulled herself from arkadia then the pack would be her sole power source. Indra had finally listened to pike, picking up one of the discarded guns off the floor. John was getting ready to smash the pack.

“Stop him, Ainsley,” Allie told her. “You can't let him do this.”

“John, please,” Ainsley begged, her voice changing to one of pure panic. “If you do this, you're killing us. You're killing me,” Ainsley said, causing John to pause with the cane in his hand. His head snapped towards her with pain in his eyes. “Forget about the nuclear cell. I'm telling you, you're making a mistake.”

“She's right, John,” Emori said. “Every mind who has entered the city of light are on that server.”

“If you destroy it,” Ainsley's voice cracked with only a flicker of real emotion. Her eyes closed as is if she were trying to fight against the chip, but she couldn't. “Our minds will be gone forever. I'll be gone forever, John.”

“Ten seconds.”

John stopped, his eyes filling with tears as he shook his head. He told Pike he couldn't do it, Pike seeming to understand, grabbed his gun and with the butt of it he slammed it down, smashing the part. John spun around to avoid looking, his hands on the back of his head.

Ainsley's eyes closed, her brain undergoing a war as she tried to remember who she truly is. John rushed to the chair she was tied in, placing his hands on the side of her face, tears pooling but not yet falling from his eyes.

Ainsley smiled, her eyes flickering with remorse but just as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. “You were too late,” she grinned, just as the chipped soldiers began banging on the doors again.

“Let's go,” Pike told John and Indra.

John's eyes were still locked onto Ainsley's, he didn't want to believe he just imagined the look of remorse in her eyes. He searched her face, her mannerisms, and he still was unsure if she was fighting back or if she was another puppet for the bitch in red. He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead.

“I know you're in there, baby,” he whispered. “You have to fight this for me, okay? You're a fighter, a survivor. Fight this! I gotta go now, okay? But you're going to be fine.” He promised.

“Cover her eyes,” Ainsley whispered so quietly John was unsure if he even heard her correctly.

After John put the hood over Emori, he turned to see Ainsley with her eyes clenched shut as if he physically pained her to do so. A single tear falling out of her closed eye as a result to how hard she's trying. Without wasting time, John, Pike and Indra ran.

Short chapter, but next is the season three finale!

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