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DESTRUCTION and ruin surrounded Polis after the defeat of Alie. Thousands were dead because of her, the people left alive having to mourn over their fallen comrades as if it just happened all over again. It was a shocking sight to behold, and Ainsley couldn't concentrate, a heavy feeling settled on her chest, suffocating her as she followed John out into the city streets.

The feeling never let up as her eyes fell on a woman, a dead child in her arms as she sobbed back and forth. Ainsley cautiously watched Jaha approach the woman, who promptly spit in his face. It was the type of thing she normally would have had a sarcastic comment ready for, but the guilt inside of her for what she had done. For what she had allowed to happen, even if she knows deep down that it wasn't her doing, it still was for not being strong enough to fight it.

Because the thing she hates the most is that she liked it. No matter how hard she tried, she'd never be normal.

“It's good to see you're making friends,” John said, having just seen the same thing Ainsley had. Their fingers were laced together, which was the only thing tethering Ainsley to reality.

“Hello John, Ainsley,” Jaha said as he stood up, stepping away from the still crying woman. “Glad to see you two made it down. I could use some help with the dead.” he finished, moving towards another dead body.

“Go float yourself,” John told him, gesturing towards the dead bodies with his free hand. “These deaths are on you too, Chancellor.”

Ainsley looked at Jaha, before her and John kept walking, leaving him behind to appease his own guilt by caring for the death he caused. The two saw Emori and headed off in her direction, the grounder girl appeared to be gathering supplies, which is exactly what she told them when John asked what she was doing.

“It's not safe for my kind here,” Emori explained. “Frikdreina are forbidden. I have to leave this place, John, Ainsley,” Emori finished, standing up and heading over to a dead body to loot supplies.

“Is it the same for just regular Frik’s, too?” Ainsley snorted at her own joke before apologizing. “Ignore me. You can't just leave, Em. We're finally a trio again.”

“Ainsley's right. Come with us to Arkadia,” John told her.

Emori looked at the two of them in surprise before she scoffed, looking back down at the body. “I am glad you're safe and that you'd even want me along after forcing you to take the chip,” Emori said, directing her words towards Ainsley. “And John, I'm glad you stayed safe from it, but you can't be serious.

“Why on earth would they protect me? I'm no one to them, besides, how many times have they cast you both out?”

“First, that wasn't your fault, Em,” Ainsley rolled her eyes at the girl. “You took the chip. Jaha manipulated you into taking it. I can't fault you for that.”

“Our people owe me, okay?” John interrupted the girl moment. “It'll be different this time.”

Emori looked between the two in contemplation before she nodded her head. “Okay. You got me. Okay,” Emori smiled. “But we can still pick up a few things first, right?” She asked, handing Ainsley a jacket.

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NIGHT had fallen by the time the trio finished up gathering supplies. They were currently walking back through Polis, when they took notice of a group of people gathered. Ainsley perked up at seeing Bellamy, though now wasn't exactly the time for warm greetings. After all, the last time she saw him she abandoned him to Mount Weather, after having left with John. Emori paused, looking unsure as she told the two she didn't like the looks of this.

“We'll figure it out, Em. You stay here?” Ainsley offered the girl a smile before she grabbed John's wrist and gently pulled him towards Bellamy and the crowd.

“What's going on now?” Ainsley questioned at the same time John said, “Never a dull moment, huh?” Bellamy glanced at the two of them, his mouth opening towards Ainsley like he wanted to say something, before Indra told him to pay attention.

“She's part of the royal guard, spies. That's why she's not marked,” Indra explained to Bellamy. “Very dangerous, very loyal.”

“Not to the people who saved her life,” Bellamy noted, glancing in front of him.

“Bellamy,” Kane broke in the conversation. “I know how you feel about her, but you can't lose control. You offer them technology, guns, whatever it takes to keep her talking. Is that clear?”

“I didn't agree to give them guns,” Indra said.

“It's probably because you're not an idiot,” John told Indra seriously.

Ainsley giggled. “He's right. You're actually smart. Why are we giving them guns? They'll kill us.”

Apparently, according to Kane, it won't get that far. Who knew. It was some kind of plan to give Abby enough time to save King Roan, the man who got shot trying to save Clarke. Kane told Ainsley and John that if they wanted to help, to grab a weapon.

“Take mine,” Bellamy stated with a small smile, as he handed Ainsley his gun. John picked a discarded one up off the ground. “I got this,” Bellamy told them before he began walking towards the ice nation spy.

Ainsley followed John behind a wall, before she touched him on his shoulder and shook her head. She was tired of putting her life on the line for them. It seems John had the same thoughts, the two walking back the way they came to get back to Emori. It seems she would be keeping up her streak of abandoning Bellamy.

The trio left Polis behind with the realization that they wouldn't be safer with their people. Ainsley didn't dare look back despite the heavy feeling in her chest. Instead, she kept moving forward beside of John and Emori. The only two people she considered close enough to her.

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