Chapter 9

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The boys had the day off since there was a game yesterday which also meant I got the day off. Brandon had stayed the night at my apartment and slept on the couch and I slept in my bed. I woke up early and made breakfast tacos before waking Brandon up.

"Do you want to do something today?" Brandon asked.

"Sure. What do you want to do?" I asked washing the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher once Brandon and I were finished eating.

"How about we go bowling?" Brandon asked smiling.

"I'm down. I just have to go get ready," I said before I turned on the dishwasher.

"So do I. I'll be back to pick you up in an hour okay?" Brandon asked walking around the island to get to me before he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Sounds good B," I said wrapping my arms around Brandon resting my head on his chest.

Brandon held me at arms length and kissed my cheek before heading outside. I stood their smiling for a minute. I couldn't help but wish Brandon had kissed me on the lips. I quickly shook my self out of the little daze I was in to go get ready.

I straitened my blonde hair and did a simple makeup before slipping on a blue and white striped sweater. I knew winters in pittsburgh were cold so I wanted to dress warm. I slipped on my brown boots with my warm fuzzy socks as well. I heard a knock and quickly grabbed my purse and maroon gloves before going to open the door to see Brandon standing there looking cute as always.

"You look beautiful Becca," Brandon said smiling. I smiled back while blushing slightly. I closed and locked the door before walking beside Brandon to his car.

"I hope you know I was a professional bowler in a past life," I told Brandon giggling as he drove us to the bowling alley.

"Well you should know that I also have a secret bowling talent," Brandon said chuckling as he continued driving.

I turned up the radio and started singing to Florida Georgia Lines song Headphones. I tapped my fingers along with the beat on my legs.

"Can't get you out of my head Out of, out of my head. Out of my headphones.I turn it up, you turn me on.It takes me back.It takes all night long," I sang quietly.

Brandon and I arrived at the bowling alley and Brandon looked like a little kid as he waited for me to get out of his truck.

"Come on Becca," Brandon whined like a little boy.

I chuckled and got out standing beside him as he grabbed my glove covered hand in his glove covered hand. We walked in and went up to the front desk.

"Hello we need one lane for two hours," Brandon told the man.

"No problem," he said and then froze once he looked up to see Brandon standing there. "You're Brandon Sutter!" He exclaimed shocked. Brandon chuckled awkwardly and nodded his head yes. Brandon signed an autograph for the man before he finally gave us our shoes.

"You girlfriend is very pretty as well," the man told Brandon causing me to smile awkwardly.

"Thanks," I mumbled grabbing Brandon's hand before pulling his towards our bowling lane.

"That was weird," Brandon said and I couldn't help but agree. It was very strange.

"What size ball do you use?" Brandon asked.

"Nine pounds," I said smiling.

"Damn girls got muscle huh?" Brandon said winking as he went to go get the bowling balls.

After Brandon returned he was up first and quickly proved his talent by bowling a strike leaving me sitting their with my mouth hanging open.

"Told you I was a pro. Your turn Becca," Brandon said giving me a cocky smirk.

I got up to the terminal where the purple ball sat waiting for me. I grabbed the ball and took a deep breath before taking a couple quick few steps up to the foul line before throwing my ball down the line hoping the ball would stay centered and strike the pins in the middle. Luck wasn't on my side though the ball curved right into the gutter not even touching a single pin. I sighed in frustration and I heard Brandon chuckling behind me. I shot him a playful glare although I truly was frustrated.

"Let me help," Brandon said calmly walking up to me.

"Keep you hips like this," Brandon said gently moving my hips to the correct stance. I nodded listening to him.

"Make sure you put lots of power and bring this leg back to help with momentum," Brandon whispered smiling.

"Thanks," I whispered back smiling.

After two hours of bowling, greasy bowling food, and tons of laughs and smiles we had finished and I was kind of sad the day was coming to an end. I climbed in Brandon's truck and sighed as Brandon started driving me back to my apartment.

"What's wrong?" Brandon asked grabbing my hand as he drive down the street.

"I don't want this night to end," I said glumly.

"We always have tomorrow honey," Brandon said smiling

"No you've got hockey and I've got work and no one can know about us or I could get fired B," I said upset.

"Becca it'll be okay," Brandon said kissing the back of my hand without taking his eyes off the road.

"I hope so," I said glancing out the window watching the buildings pass by. I was mostly upset that no one could know because I cared about Brandon and wanted to let people know.

After an awkwardly silent drive Brandon stopped in front of my apartment.

"Thanks," I said quietly before getting out and closing the door. I started walking to my apartment when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey you know I care about you right," Brandon said pulling me into his arms.

"Brandon we can't be doing this some of the players live here," I said quietly trying to push Brandon away, but not wanting his arms to release me from the warm embrace.

"Shhh....Becca I don't care," Brandon said placing his lips on mine. Honestly the kiss was mind blowing! Brandon's lips were sweet and passionate yet needy and strong. I broke away from Brandon and was shocked, but wanted more. The kiss literally took my breath away.

"Have a goodnight," Brandon said just as breathless making me think he was effected the same way as I was.

"You to B," I said before untangling myself from his arms and walking into my building and heading up to my apartment.

Today was just wow....

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