Chapter 2

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It was the first game of the season and I was excited. I brushed my hair out and put it into a high ponytail a black bow in my hair.

I sat on the bench at morning skate feeling tired. I hated mornings but, it's part of the job.

The boys goofed around near the end of practice. Brandon and Tanner sat in front of me goofing around.

"Becca can you believe the guy didn't bother to invite me over for burgers!" Brandon complained glaring at a chuckling Tanner.

I giggled shaking my head at the silly duo. After some more small talk I had to go back to the medic room to get ready for the boys who needed treatment before the game tonight.

I sat spinning slightly in my chair chewing on the cap of my pen.

"Becca come here!" Tanner yelled at the edge of the door running slightly in his skates.

I ran after him confused. "Tanner I have work to do," I said following him.

"I know you do," he said brushing me off.

I've been working with the boys for 2 months now so I've gotten to know them very well.

"We need you to come help sing happy birthday to someone," he mumbled. I was definitely confused now it was no ones birthday today. I knew that for a fact.

I walked inside the locker room with Tanner and was even more confused by everyone staring at me and Coach Bysmal standing there as well. I noticed there were a few people missing though.

"Thanks tanner," Coach Bysmal said before looking at me. "I wanted to let you know you'll be the only one working tonight," he said and then dismissed me to finish talking to the hockey players.

As I exited the room I accidentally bumped into Brandon. "Oops sorry," I said apologizing to him.

"No worries," he said sending me one of his dazzling smiles.

I sat down at my desk after treating all the boys. I was digging through my purse for my wallet when I came across a folded piece of paper. I opened it curiosity getting the best of me.

Dear Becca,

Becca you're so beautiful and I wish I could tell you that. I wish I could tell you how much I like you and how beautiful you are. I wish I had the courage but, I don't. I know I'm a grown man but, still it doesn't get easier admitting your feelings for someone. I know I've only know you for around 2 months and maybe it's to soon to like you but I can't help it. You're smile puts me in a trance. Everything about you is beautiful. I can't help but feel this way.


Your secret admirer

I was blushing like crazy. "hey Becca," Brandon said before pausing mid stride. "oh is this a bad time?" he questioned looking at the note then my blushing face. "no no come in what can I do for you?" I said smiling.

"Tanner and I were wondering if you wanted to get lunch with us?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah sure. what restaurant ill meet you guys there?" I asked smiling at Brandon and now tanner who stood in the door.

"Stake and shake," they replied at the same time. I gave them the thumbs up before logging off my computer and grabbing my wallet heading out to my car.

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