Chapter 1

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I straightened my blonde hair and looked back in the mirror as my green eyes shimmered back at me. I smiled slightly at my reflection. Today was my first day of work for the Pittsburgh Penguins and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement.

I pulled on my required Penguins polo smiling as I straightened out the black polo. I wore blue jeans with it and took a deep breath before slipping on my black uggs and heading out the door grabbing my purse and ID badge to show the guard.

I showed my ID to the guard and he smiled letting me in. I walked down to the medical room knowing where it was since I got a tour yesterday.

"Ah Becca glad to see you!" the team doctor smiled at me.

"Hi nice to see you again," I said shaking his hand. I then went over to my desk and started putting things away and organizing it.

"Today you'll just be stretching and massaging a few players. Currently no one needs rehab for any injuries so you won't have much to do today. If you need me just text me. Ive got some filing to do in the back," The team doctor said before walking into the back room and shutting the door.

I was typing away on my computer when I saw two heads peek through the door. I glanced over and they quickly hid behind the door. I giggled,"Can I help you boys?"

"Hi I'm Tanner Glass. Nice to meet you," The tall muscular brunette said. I obviously knew who these men were because I knew the penguins roster.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Becca," I said standing and placing my small hand in his rather large one.

"I'm Brandon Sutter," the other introduced. I shook his hand as well,"Becca." I stated again smiling.

"How about you meet the rest of the team?" Tanner said guiding me to the locker room.

"Guys this is Becca she's the new trainer," Tanner told everyone. I waved shyly smiling.

"Nice to meet you," Crosby said standing up and shaking my hand.

I returned back to the room after all the greetings getting back on my computer typing away.

Two hours had passed and I hadn't done much. I pretty much organized my desk and then cleaned up the medic room though it was pretty organized.

"Hey will you stretch me out?" A voice asked. I noticed it was Beau Bennett after turning around. "Yeah sure hop on a bed," I said smiling.

"I need machine," Geno said coming in referring to Stem. I smiled and hooked it up for his knee. I turned it on for 10 minutes and then started stretching Beaus legs for him.

They both left and then Brandon came in smiling. "Can I get a leg massage?" he asked smiling a lopsided grin.

"Of course," I said gesturing towards the table. "Would you like me to do it or Dr. Williams?" I questioned.

"You can do it. I don't mind," he told me laying on his stomach head in his arms.

"Okay first I'm gonna roll out your calves and then ill massage them okay?" I asked making sure he was okay with the process.

"Works for me," he said spreading his legs slightly.

I grabbed the little marshmallow stick as I called it so I could roll his calves. I sighed my short stature was definitely a problem. I wouldn't be able to put enough pressure on him if I just stood.

"I- uh Brandon?" I questioned causing him to look at me.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"For me to do this successfully I uh... I need to sit on you," I said feeling my face heat up.

"Oh that's fine don't worry about it. Do what you have to do," he told me.

I climbed up onto the table and sat down on his butt. "Again I'm sorry," I said blushing deep red. He waved it off sighing in content as I rolled out his calfs and then his quads.

I hopped off the table and went and put away the little stick before grabbing some lotion. "Okay you ready for the massage?" I asked.

"Uh yeah but, why do you have that?" he questioned.

"I learned it helps with relief," I told him and walked up to him before squeezing some lotion into my hands and gently but, still applying pressure. He groaned and I smiled knowing I was doing my job right.

Brandon hoped off the bed. "Thank you so much!" he said smiling before waving slightly and heading out.

I gathered my stuff and said goodbye to the staff before I headed home to my apartment.


A/N- hey guys so I hope y'all like this new story. Comment and tell me what u think of it so far! :) thanks!

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