「 26; Half of A Whole 」

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Six months since Sunghoon has stayed in this building. Six months since Sunghoon has met him.

"Almost a whole year now, maybe it's time." He thought, his gaze onto the night sky as he stood there on the balcony outside his room. Resting his arms on the railings.

"Two days, let's just wait for two more days." Well Sunghoon needs some time to actually confirm his feelings before finally, and I mean finally confessing.

The male went back inside his room, hearing his name being yelled out as dinner's ready.



Day 2

Another usual day for Sunghoon. It seems as if he's bored out of his mind the whole time. But his stares say otherwise.

"Why is there blood on your clothes..?" Sunghoon asked as the older was back from who knows where.

"Ah, I was hunting a while ago. Don't worry about it!" Jake said, reassuring him then went to clean himself up.

Not to mention, the younger still feared him for what he is. Then again, he feels comfortable being with Jake.

"Is it really possible for you to love me back?"


Day 1

One more day. Sunghoon started to overthink on the countless possibilities of what would happen once he's gonna spill everything out.

Trying to distract himself, he decided to ask the older some random questions. Sunghoon turned to the side, admiring Jake's side profile as he scrolled through his phone.

"Jaeyun~ Have you ever thought about your family?" Sunghoon asked out of the blue, which kind of stunned Jake but still answered.

"Well.. I guess I sometimes do. I haven't contacted them ever since.." Jake answered, scratching the nape of his neck. The younger got curiouser about the older, asking another question.

"..Do you think they still remember you?"

"I- I'm not sure.."

Jake gripped on his phone, his lips forming a thin line. Knowing what actually happened to his family. Or what he thought has happened.

Sunghoon obviously noticed his behavior and mood that made a whole 180°. He felt guilty for asking such questions.

"Oh, I- I'm sorry for asking.."

"Hm? Why? You just asked because you're curious, right? It's fine." Jake only shrugged it off, he couldn't be angry at the adorable male beside him can he?


Sunghoon sighed in relief, staring at the bland ceiling. Feeling a bit sleepy now as he let out a yawn.

"Tired now, Hoonie?"

The said male nodded, his eyelids slowly closing itself.

"You're sleeping with me tonight?" Jake asked with a smug smile. Whilst Sunghoon turned his back to the older, tired to fight back. "Don't mention it. The bed here is so soft though"

"Is it now?" The older then sneaked an arm around the younger's waist who groaned in annoyance. Jaeyun giggled, turning the night light off as he finally let himself lay down beside Sunghoon.

"Night, Sunghoon"

The younger only mumbled some inaudible words into the pillow. The older finding it cute of him.



Day 0

It's today. Sunghoon had to mentally prepare himself because he's about to lose his mind in some way. I mean he already woke up to a literal Sim Jake beside him, what more will make his heart beat twice as fast as before.

He got up to fix himself before the older wakes up. Looking at the mirror seeing himself as a mess. Realizing he's a bit more paler than before, but he only shrugged it off.


After some time, he went back to the bed, hearing Jake slowly waking up. "Morning, Jake."

The said male formed a smile, sitting up as he greeted him back, "Morning, Hoonie.."

When he was about to get out of bed, Sunghoon stopped him from doing so. Now blushing, he tried to explain.

"Jake, uhm- I.."

He waited for the younger to continue but Sunghoon never finished his word as he cupped his cheeks. Connecting their lips together since he was that impatient.

Sunghoon wanted to show him what he felt, leading the kiss as it was meant as a longing for his love. For the older to return his feelings too.

They let go from each other with Sunghoon wanting to bury himself.


"Oh my, I see you're actually interested in me, pretty boy." Jaeyun spoke, his voice still hoarse as he just woke up. Holding the younger's chin with his finger, only centimeters away. "I'd gladly share the same feeling to you too, Park Sunghoon."

While Sunghoon was still processing what just happened, he was stuck in another kiss yet again. Although it was full of love. Full of mutual feelings.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, happily being each other's halves. And finally realizing that they were meant for each other.



Although, this was a day one of them will never forget as this was just the beginning.




── Well fuck they're together now. you know what that means >:)

(also i swore that the previous chapter was published like last week-)

Anyways, beware for the next few chapters as it isn't really meant for some readers. And I mean it's gonna get the angst. So yes prepare and be ready for this book's future <3

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