One - Betrayal

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Trigger warning for anxiety attacks.

Ladybug jumped across the stream of water underground, her footsteps echoing down the long tunnel under the familiar Paris streets. Her blue eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "Did he forget the meeting spot?" She muttered under her breath, taking one final look and heading out of the empty tunnel. She swung through the quiet and empty streets to the Agreste mansion. Her gaze never failed to watch for any sign of possible trouble, in case any sort of villain lingered or a random civilian was in need of assistance. Upon arrival, Ladybug entered Adrien's room through the window and perched on the ledge as she had done in the past more than once. Despite being in his room multiple times, she was always quite surprised by the size of it and just the amount of activities he has in it. If it wasn't for the bed, anyone could assume it is a game room or even a den. She shook her head to clear the thought, since she has bigger things to worry about than what fills her crushes bedroom, as interesting as it may be.

"Phew, there you are!" She exclaimed as Adrien turned into his bedroom, and stepped down from the windows ledge. Adrien turned quickly to meet her gaze, surprise filled his green eyes by her unexpected visit and he let out a quiet shocked gasp. He wasn't used to the protector of Paris just wandering into his room without notice. "I'm sorry, I thought I told you we were supposed to meet up." She stepped across his floor to meet with him face to face, and he gazed down at her, still confused as to what was going on. 

"Meet up?" He repeated and tilted his head to the left slightly. She extended her hang out in front of her in order to retrieve the item she came for. His eyes flicked to her extended hand.

"Yeah, so you could give it back to me." She piped up. 

"Give... what back to you?" Adrien responded, puzzled. He was genuinely unsure what his lady was talking about, though he didn't push it further.

Ladybug glanced away for a moment, before continuing. "Well, the Miraculous of the dog?" Her blue eyes turned back to meet his, and they made eye contact when he continued speaking.

"But you didn't give me anything." His eyes widened slightly and he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt out of habit.

"Of course I did, on the train." She reminded him and the corners of her mouth turned upright in a slight smile. 

"The train?" He repeated again and realization fell across his face. His brows furrowed at the thought. "Felix." He blurted out, seemingly annoyed and frustrated.  

Ladybug's smile fell quickly, her jaw dropping and her eyes widening at the news, realization dawning on her as well. Silence filled the room as the two of them thought about what just happened, or what would happen.

A flash of light trailed into the room and disappeared as suddenly as it appeared. With the flash, the yo-yo on her side was also gone. Her hands flew to her side as if to grab the yo-yo that was no longer there. Her breathing came out heavy as she spoke. "The ball of the dog... Felix." Her hands moved to her face, bordering the rising panic in her expression. The yo-yo was gone, and so was all the confidence she had worked on for months to build up. "He has the yo-yo, and that means," Her voice strained the words she dreaded saying to the boy in front of her. Her suited hands dropped away from her face for a moment as she continued. "He has the Miraculous." Her hands clutched around her face again, for safety, for comfort, and out of pure fear of what just happened. Ladybug's chest heaved heavily as she spiraled towards a panic attack, something she wasn't used to having. Her slim fingers dug into her hair, and if her skin wasn't covered by the spotted suit, her fingers would be turning white from the pressure she was using. 

Then, the boy in front of her, the boy she had fallen deeper and deeper in love with over the months of knowing him, knelt down in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to ground her and comfort her. He desperately tried to make eye contact with her, but to no avail as she kept her gaze unfocused in front of her. Her chest continued to fall and rise quickly and in and out of a pattern. In, her breath went. Out, it left her body. In again, and out again. He tightened his hands around her shoulders slightly. 

"Ladybug, try to keep calm." He pleaded and his emerald gaze watched her with more than a bit of concern. "Think, there must be a way to get your yo-yo back." She trembled in his hold, pulling her arms to her chest in a desperate way to calm herself. She hated the fact that nothing was working to slow her racing heart. 

"Yes, maybe if I transform back, and I-" Her speech was cut off by Adrien who placed a hand on her upper back.

"Go ahead, you'll be safe here." He urged her hurriedly, and guided her into the bathroom and placed his free hand on the doorframe. Her gaze turned to his with sudden fear and distrust, which wasn't like their usual interactions.


914 words

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