Nine - Progress

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Marinette was startled awake by her alarm, and accidentally tossed her phone off her bed. She groggily rushed down to shut off the alarm, and the stirring woke up Chat Noir who had slept through the night beside her. She made sure to set an alarm so she wouldn't sleep in, since it was the day she was scheduled to go to Adrien's house after school. Chat Noir sat up, his golden hair a mess and he made eye contact with the girl who was fumbling with her phone on the floor below awkwardly. She looked up and gave him her classic embarrassed grin. 

"Don't mind me. Just dropped my phone." She waved her hand to brush off any comments he might make. She watched his face disappear as he lied back down in her bed to sleep more. "Hey, Chat Noir!" She whisper screamed, marching up the stairs at the end of her bed. "Wake up, you have to leave!" 

Chat Noir stirred back awake and looked at her, his hair going everywhere. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. Marinette's face finally flustered when she clued in to the fact he had just spent the night with her. In her bed, of all places. She buried her face in her hands and yelled at him again. "You have to leave. I need to go to school."

"Hmm. Are you embarrassed you asked me to stay last night, Mari?" He teased and made his way towards her, and reached for the trapdoor tiredly. "See you, Princess." He disappeared onto the balcony and into the city streets before she could process his words. 

He made her want to scream into a pillow sometimes, and that's what she did.  

☼ ☼ ☼

Marinette stood outside Ms Bustier's class after the end of the day bell had rung. Alya stood with her as they waited for the boys, Adrien and Nino. 

"So, you're going to Adrien's house?" Alya questioned in a curious and teasing way. 

"Yes Alya, but to work on the project. You're going to Nino's?" Marinette lost focus but heard her friend confirm her thoughts. The boys they were waiting for emerged from the classroom and were walking towards them. Marinette smiled and waved, in which Adrien waved back before a poster on the wall caught his attention. He stopped in his tracks to read it, which caught Nino's attention and he stopped to read it as well. 

"Hey, you guys," Nino spoke out loud. "Are you gonna go to this? It sounds fun."

"To what?" Alya and Marinette echoed in response, stepping over to look at what they were reading. A grin crossed Alya's face, but Marinette looked unsure. 

"Yeah I'll go! Lets go as a group!" Alya's excitement was through the roof, which pushed Marinette closer to going. 

"That sounds like fun. I'm in, if my father will allow it." Adrien smiled and the group looked to Marinette, the only one who hadn't answered. She put her hands up defensively. 

"Come on, Marinette! It'll be fun!" Alya whined and grabbed Marinette's hands. Marinette sighed and smiled at her best friend. 

"I'll go. It's June 10th, right?" She asked which got a squeal from Alya and grins from the guys. 

"You won't regret this!" 

And little did they know, that night would change everything.

☼ ☼ ☼

Marinette checked her phone nervously, which read May 27th, 2:33 PM. She was sitting in the car beside Adrien, on the way to his mansion to work on their class project. She had been to his house before, but she was so much more nervous since she had revealed her identity to him. Somehow, he hadn't brought it up since the day she revealed it to him She wasn't sure if she should be relieved over that or not. 

Adrien looked over and smiled, before turning his attention back towards the window he was staring out of a moment before. The car had pulled into the mansions property, and he was starting to feel more nervous. He actually felt a bit shy around her ever since the day she decided to trust him more than anyone else. He was nervous he would say something wrong and mess up, scared he would make her hate him again or even break her trust. He shook off the thought and stepped out of the car before Marinette could react. He smiled and opened her door, which made her flustered as always. 

Marinette hopped out quickly. "T-thank you!" She murmured and held her backpack in front of her legs, waiting to follow him into the mansion. When he led the way, she followed a pace behind and took in all the fancy furniture and decorations that scattered the mansion in a neat way. 

☼ ☼ ☼

"Wait, what if we added this?" Adrien scribbled something down onto the poster the two of them collaboratively designed. Marinette watched and nodded eagerly. 

"Yes, that looks good!" Her shyness with him had faded as they worked on their project together. "You're really creative." She complimented him sincerely.

She felt so comfortable with him when she wasn't shy, she could be herself. Almost like she could be when she is in Chat Noir's company. The two kept working together well and suggesting edits or ideas they could add to the project that would get them a good mark and make both of them happy. Adrien had to admit that Marinette was really easy and kind to work with, and she made it really fun. He absolutely loved spending time with her, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't get lost in her blue eyes from time to time. The blonde boy reached forward and placed his hand on hers, smiling. 

Marinette froze and looked at him, locking eyes. "A-Adrien?" She stuttered out, her eyes widening. "Are you okay?" 

"Sorry, I just really wanted to do that." He admitted and pulled his hand away, assuming she didn't like the touch. 

Marinette waved her hands across her chest in an 'X' formation. "No, it's not that, you just surprised me!" She reassured him quickly. Both of them shared a mutual blush on their cheeks. 

"Marinette?" He asked and reached forward for both her hands this time, but hesitated and didn't complete the distance. Marinette rested her gaze on his hands, and completed it.

"Thank you for trusting me with everything. And for being my friend. I appreciate you so much." Adrien's voice was smooth and sincere, which made Marinette smile and squeeze his hand gently. 

"I am so happy having you as my friend," Her voice stopped though it sounded like she wanted to continue. I wish I could tell you how I truly feel about you, Adrien. It hurts so much that I may never get to tell you how I feel.

Marinette watched curiously as Adrien pulled a flyer out of his school bag that sat on the floor beside him. It looked familiar, though she couldn't read the words that were printed out onto it. Her eyes widened as he put it down in front of her, and her fingers traced the ink. 

Adrien broke the silence by clearing his throat. "Uh, Marinette?" He asked and she noticed just how nervous he looked for once. She smiled and rested her cheek into her palm which was supported by her elbow. "Would you make me happy by going to the formal with me?" He asked and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's totally okay if you don't want to-" He added in, backtracking on what he said. He was worried she would reject him. 

"G-go to the formal with you?" Her voice was a squeak and her blue eyes twinkled. 

"Yes, as my date..?" He asked hopefully. Marinette stared at him, her mouth gaping a bit in surprise. 

She couldn't find the words so instead she nodded eagerly. Once she recovered from the initial surprise she added, "Of course I'll go with you!" She smiled and overcame a bit of her shyness, quickly wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around her in joy and returned the hug. 

"Really? I'm so happy." He admitted and cupped her cheek with his hand, which she leaned into and shut her eyes. 

"I'm really happy you asked me, Adrien." Her eyes opened which exposed the true happiness she had to be able to go with him, as a date nonetheless.

It will truly be a night to remember.


1405 words

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