Fourteen - Final

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Alya stood in the Dupain-Cheng's bathroom, twirling in the gown that she had bought a couple days before. It was a pale orange, which some may describe as peach, with loose off the shoulder straps and a flowey silk skirt that reached the floor. Marinette stepped into the bathroom, having changed in her room and needing Alya to zip up her dress for her. 

"Girl, it's almost time!" Alya cheered excitedly, which Marinette echoed excitedly. 

"I'm so excited that Adrien asked me to be his date. I'm still so surprised." She admitted with a shy giggle. Once she was zipped into her dress and put on some matching red flats, and swung her purse over her shoulder. Marinette adjusted her hair, which was tied into two neat buns, and tied with red ribbons. She eyed herself in the mirror, smiling. She felt decently confident in the dress that was picked out. She felt Alya rest her hands on her shoulder, and the two spoke.

"Nothing can ruin tonight!" Their voices echoed, followed by a giggle that they happened to say the same thing.

☼ ☼ ☼

Alya got a text from Nino that he and Adrien would be by the bakery soon. It was agreed that Adrien's bodyguard would drive the four teenagers to the destination of the formal, so they waited patiently for the grey car to show up. The two girls sat in the bakery waiting, chatting with Tom and Sabine who were gushing over how great the young girls looked. The conversation was cut short when the boys walked into the bakery, both holding a bouquet of flowers for their dates. Adrien's gaze landed on Marinette's face, and then on her dress. It was a deep red, with long lace sleeves. The lace fabric traveled down the skirt of the dress, and was decorated with a subtle flower pattern. He thought it looked beautiful on her. He thought she was beautiful.

Marinette eyed the suit that Adrien was dressed in, she assumed it was one his father had designed for his son. It was a plain black formal suit, with a green tie for contrast. She thought it looked incredible on him. Alya was busy complimenting Nino on his own suit while Marinette and Adrien gushed over each other. His was a dark green suit with a striped tie with several shades of green on it, and he pulled it off well. 

Adrien and Nino covered Marinette's and Alya's eyes, who were confused, as they walked out to where the car would be waiting. When the boys moved their hands, instead of the bodyguard's car, it was a black limo waiting for them.

"Isn't this sweet?" Nino asked excitedly, elbowing Adrien. "It was Adrien's idea all along. He said something about 'nothing but the best', for his lady?" He recalled. Adrien's face went red in embarrassment. 

"You didn't have to say that part." Adrien muttered, which got some laughs out of his friends. 

☼ ☼ ☼

Marinette and Alya were led into the rented ballroom, arms linked with their dates, Adrien and Nino. Their gazes adjusted to the twinkling lights around the room and dancing on the walls. The room was already crowded by students in formal wear, ranging from almost every colour on the spectrum. A twinkling model of the Eiffel Tower sat in the center of the room, with tables set off to the sides. On the far side of the room, was a food and punch table. Marinette let go of Adrien's arm, rushing forward to twirl around excitedly. "It's beautiful!" 

Alya laughed and joined Marinette, taking her hands and spinning the bluenette around. Adrien rested his eyes on Marinette; he couldn't take them off of her. After a while of the girls being busy messing around, Adrien jokingly extended a hand to Nino like a gentleman. 

"Care to dance?" He grinned. 

Nino laughed in response and slapped a hand onto Adrien's shoulder. "You wouldn't be able to keep up with my insane dance moves."

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