Thirteen - Sparks

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Ladybug swung around the streets that were casted in a faint orange light from the setting sun. She watched as it dipped behind buildings and scenery as she moved, occasionally casting rays on her face and turning her eyes a shade of green. She sighed and breathed in the June air. She wasn't scheduled to patrol with Chat Noir for a while still, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to get some extra look out in. Once satisfied, she took it easy and lowered herself down to the streets, to which she was greeted by fans of hers. She was used to signing autographs and taking pictures with fans, she would never get tired of doing it. The smile she got from them always made her day and she knows she could never give up doing it for them. 

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Adrien had snuck up to the roof of the mansion as Chat Noir before detransforming again and settling down. Plagg rested on the tiles beside him and stared out at the sky, his face unusually calm and void of chaos or annoyance.

"You know, you're the best Chat Noir I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." Plagg commented unexpectedly. Adrien turned to face him, surprise filling his green eyes. He stared down at the little Kwami beside him. 

"Huh? Are you okay Plagg?" Adrien asked in half humour. He wasn't used to Plagg directly saying anything nice or sappy. 

"Hardy har." Plagg responded sarcastically, more like his usual self. "I'm serious, kid. Not to get cheesy on you." Adrien smiled in turn and scooped up the small cat Kwami.

"And you're the best friend I could have asked for." Adrien murmured, pulling Plagg to his chest and turning his gaze back out to the streets below. His life has changed so much since he met Plagg, and he was so thankful to be the holder.

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Once the sun had completely dipped behind the horizon and his phone read 8:15 PM, Chat Noir left to meet with Ladybug for their usual patrol. He took his time getting there, just giving himself time to think about what he would say to her. Ever since finding out her identity, the infamous flirt has been at a loss of words. He wanted her to know he's genuinely interested in her, that he's not just a flirt with her. He flicked his ear in annoyance at the fact he couldn't think of anything, before resting his gaze on the red suited girl coming into view a couple blocks away. He picked up his pace when she noticed him in return. 

Ladybug swung closer to meet him, and unexpectedly encased him into a hug. She buried her face against him and sighed, enjoying the little bit of warmth and comfort the taller hero gave off in her embrace. He stood in surprise from the sudden hug, before wrapping his arms around her smaller body tightly. He just knew she needed it, and he would do anything to make her feel better. 

"Are you okay, Bugaboo?" He whispered to her in a gentle tone, and she shivered when his breath tickled the side of her neck. She pulled away gently and nodded reassuringly. 

"Don't worry about me, Chaton." A small smile sat on the corners of her lips, and so they began the patrol together. 

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Chat Noir was the first to land on the roof of a tall building, gazing around. You really could see anything from up there, and he's never felt so free. Ladybug followed a few seconds behind, but as she was about to make contact with the building, the sky lit up with a bright flash of blue and green, followed by the loud bang that would throw anyone off guard. Are those fireworks?

Ladybug was startled pretty badly and misjudged the distance, her yo-yo getting pulled from her grasp as she fell short of the building. Chat Noir leapt off after her without hesitation, attempting to quicken his pace through the air to grab her. He was finally able to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her against his body, her arms going around his neck in fear. She'd never admit how badly it had scared her, though it was pretty obvious. Chat Noir extended his baton and slowed their falling to a stop, before leaping back up to the top of the roof with her in his arms. Once on steady ground, he set her down. Her body trembled as she found her footing, and shook her head. "I can't believe I did that."

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