Time is of the Essence

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High above Earth

Year 40XX

A man in a Victorian lab coat appeared in a flash of light in space. Not far from him, a large ship orbited the Earth. "The new mechanics of this multiverse have been insightful. Seeing Earth-616's evolving timeline is simply fascinating." After readjusting his tie, he smirked, noticing a presence. "I know you are there."

From behind, a bald man in blue and white robes materialized into view. "You should not be here, Time Walker."

Professor Paradox crossed his arms. "Perhaps, Watcher. However, unlike you and others like you, I prefer to nudge history to a more preferable path."

"The Watchers are aware of the possible consequences of interference."

"And from my experience," Paradox retorted. "I have seen the results of both action and inaction." Paradox's expression turned grave. "We both know what is coming for this timeline. We can feel it is already progressing."

The cosmic watcher paused. "I will admit that the final fate of the timestream is in flux." The watcher turned to the present Earth before turning back to Paradox. "This Tennyson of yours will have many trials to face." He huffed. "This new branching of Earth-8096 may intersect with Earth-555326."

"Call me optimistic. A near-dead world like that one needs its heroes."

"You wouldn't happen to know about a new branch of Earth-199999 appearing due to another visitor from outside my reality?"

Paradox raised a brow. "I can't say I do. Not a danger to everyone I hope."

"For a lack of better words, this red-head has the word sword written all over him."

Paradox blinked. "Can't say I follow the metaphor. We can stop by there in a bit. I'd like to catch up on a little history. Care to join?"

The Watcher rolled his eyes. "If only to keep you out of trouble."

The two extra-temporal beings reappeared in a room filled with crystal and its unique owner. By shifting to a different dimensional frequency, they could observe without being seen.

There, a being wore a green uniform with purple gauntlets and a helmet. He stared intensely at the crystal display before him. On a golden throne, he put his hands together. "Display chronal archive 001944. Keyword: Rogers."

"Loading," a computerized voice replied. The crystalline display began to playback an ancient recording dating back to Earth's second world war.

Paradox turned nostalgic. "Oh, I remember seeing these kinds of films all the time in my youth."

A long-forgotten announcer started. "News from the front. As the Hydra war machine expands its reach, one by one, the nations of Europe fall under its shadow." An emblem of a skull with tentacles stretches across Europe from the East. "None so far have withstood the onslaught." Civilian buildings were set ablaze as Hydra Flags were held high with their army raising their fists.

"While my original timeline had its own World War 2, it's disturbing to see such an organization from the German science division show themselves so publicly."

"Unfortunately, Hydra is a constant in many realities here," added the Watcher.

"But Allied soldiers from across the globe stand together, and as the world goes to war, we recount the tale of Steve Rogers, the man who would become Captain America." A lanky young man stands on a scale, seemingly unfit for duty. A doctor is soon shown with a large syringe in hand. "Although young Rogers was too frail for combat, his fighting spirit wouldn't give up. He volunteered for a secret military experiment and, with the help of the country's finest scientists, was transformed into the world's first super-soldier." The lanky shadow bulked into a new form.

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