Radioactive Truth

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A jet touches down at the facility with Nanomech on its tail. Ben had followed the military convoy for a few hours before they finally reached their destination. "Well, look what we have here." In the distance, Ben saw a large building in the middle of the desert shaped like a cube.

An unconscious Absorbing Man aka Carl "Crusher" Creel, was wheeled in a protective chamber led by various security members. It was a relief that the guy didn't die. The next cart to come out of the cargo bay has a large platform with four metal pillars. Each pillar held a thick chain all connected to the shackles of the being locked in the middle: Bruce Banner.

Nanomech focused his eye lens on him. Bruce looked so defeated. "Sheesh. Why don't they gag his mouth too."

Azmuth chimed in. "I am detecting numerous sources of Gamma Radiation from the facility."

Nanomech nodded. Still microscopic size, he landed on Bruce's cart before the entrance doors closed behind them. As they made their way through the facility, Ben slightly shocked by the diversity of their prisoners. 'Who knew Gamma Radiation had this effect on people."


A blond man was taking a blood sample from a restrained Banner. "You have to believe me, Bruce. With the resources I have here, I will find a cure for you."

"Leonard, don't." Bruce shook his head. "I stopped trying to cure the Hulk a long time ago. I reached out to him. There's a place in this world for the Hulk, but this isn't it."

Leonard placed the blood sample in a metal case. He sighed. "I'm not going to give up, Bruce, even if you have."

As he walked out of the room, the man in purple from the desert walked in. Seeing Bruce's current state, he raised a brow.

Bruce noticed his expression. "Let me guess. You thought I'd be bigger?"

"Funny." Hawkeye placed both hands behind his back. "The Hulk- he's a monster, right? I mean, that's what they told us. That's what everyone thinks. Military and SHIELD have been chasing him for years. He's caused untold destruction. He's a monster."

Bruce glared at him. "What do you think?"

"Why did the Hulk save that ship? I don't know anything about that dinosaur thing that helped after, but the Hulk could've just escaped." Hawkeye sounded unsure of himself. "I saw it. He had a way out, but he saved my crew instead. Why?"

"You're a SHIELD agent, right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Maybe the question you should be asking is what SHIELD and the Hulkbusters want the Hulk for. Open your eyes. Look around this place. Look at the monsters here. Do you really think the Cube is a jail? And now they have samples of my blood- the Hulk's blood. You think they want to cure me? They don't. They want to make more of me."

Hawkeye wasn't sure how to respond. On one hand, this man was accusing the military of crimes against humanity. On the other hand, the evidence seemed to be pointing that direction. He nodded at Bruce before locking his cell.

Banner sighed. It's been a while since he's been captured. He was about to drift into his own thoughts until he heard someone speak.

"Psst. Hey."

Bruce raised his head in alert and looked around his cell for the source. "Hello? Who's there?" he called out.

A passing guard walked to his cell. "Quite in there!" He continued to do his rounds after Bruce shut up.

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